Called about a old pickup off a cl like service earlier today:
He wanted full scrap price for it. I offered scrap minus 75$. No thats too low, and it's a rare pickup too. But in your add you beat it up terrible like, and also state it's mechanically sound but doesn't run or drive ?! You must not know jack about x brand of pickups. So why hasn't it sold when it's been on here for over six months ?
The point ? If you want full scrap price for it load it up and haul it in yourself and quit wasting my time by posting a bs add. Just because something is "rare" doesn't mean it's worth anymore than scrap, and if it's so rare why are you basing value off scrap price anyhow ? I'm sure 1985 Yugos are "rare" but not really worth anything more than scrap ! And if your wanting a stupid high price don't put "want it gone this weekend" in the title, put " I want you to pay me 100% scrap value and haul it to the yard for free this weekend" in your title !