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  1. #1
    littlehoov started this thread.
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    Looking to get started with e-scrap, unsure of what to do with certain things.

    Hey folks, this looks like a great place! Im looking for some help.

    Looking to get started with some e-scrap. Just started with an old computer and printer I had in the closet that I thought was dumpster fodder. Didnt realize people actually paid for that stuff until I stumbled upon it somewhere.

    At any rate, I do have some experience scrapping metals and such, so I know what to do with the steel, brass, aluminum and such.

    Had a few grey areas Im not sure of:

    Hard drives/floppy/Cd-rom- I see people buying the whole drives or buying just the boards. Is this mostly a matter of how much my time is worth?

    Ribbon cables- is there anything special about them? Im assuming my place that takes wiring would take these as well.

    Connector Ends- I see people buying ones with gold pins, but what do you do with the ones that have silver pins? Throw them in the wiring pile?

    I had the computer dismantled pretty quickly, but I still havent fully taken apart the printer, just stripped the boards and the connectors. Im starting to think printers may not be worth my time. Am I correct in that?

    And what in heavens name do you folks do with all the plastic that comes off these things? All the cladding and accessories and such. I could burn it but that seems like a waste, and probably not the most eco-friendly thing to do.

    Also, Ive been reading these forums some and I keep seeing the term "shred". Im not sure what it means. Most recently I saw it used as such:

    "I took the boards and ram out of the printer and threw the rest in an old fridge for shred"

    Hoping you all can point me in the right direction!

  2. #2
    Mick's Avatar
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    Shred = Light Iron or the least valuable form of ferrous material.

    For me, plastic is hauled to the dump (landfill). I have to pay a dump fee.

    Computer plastic is not recyclable. Ironic, huh?

    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

  3. #3
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Computer plastic is not recyclable. Ironic, huh?
    Computer plastic is usually ABS plastic if your lucky enough to find a recycler or buyer of it.

    Here most of your questions could be answered;
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  5. #4
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    Welcome to the forum and do the research by reading the old threads. In the mean time hord the ewaste until you know a lot more. Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

  6. #5
    littlehoov started this thread.
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    Well, I have been reading several threads about the components and such, most of which I already have some experience in from years of building/fixing computers and things of that nature.

    Still have yet to find a thread that mentions non-gold connectors, Im assuming they would be aluminum, so I guess I can include them with my wiring to the yard.

    Ive checked out every recycling center locally and none of them take any plastics except bottles, so thats not an option. We also dont have "landfills" per se around here that I know of, its a rural area, not much need for it I guess.

    Ive found a lot of suggestions of what to do with the plastic, grind it, recycle it, but no one who seems to actually have a testimony saying "this is what I do with it". Aside from a couple folks who comment on taking it to the landfill, which as I stated we dont have.

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  8. #6
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    Where do you bring your trash? Go and talk to them about your plastic. Maybe they have a place maybe not.

  9. #7
    parrothead's Avatar
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    As said above, read the electronics section like crazy.

    The ends are usually brass with some steel, any crazy mix of stuff depending on the connectors you have.

    Our town recycles so I put mine in with the weekly recycle. Sometimes I have more than one bin of plastic, sometimes I have it stacked like crazy next to those 2 bins.
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  10. #8
    littlehoov started this thread.
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    Im sorry I didnt see the section specifically for electronics before.

    I searched for "plastic" and sifted through about 13 pages, found several people asking the same question and getting the same reply, to use the search function. But never any real closure.

    I did see some people baling them, but most were "inside jobs" who already worked somewhere that had a baler, etc.

    As for what I do with my trash I dont take it anywhere. I either burn it or scrap it and ill leave it at that.

    I have access to a dumpster at work, but Im not sure if theyre supposed to put plastic in there, I may call the trash company and see what their policy is on plastics in the dumpster. I certainly dont want to get my employer in trouble, I throw small items in there on occasion, but Im pretty sure mass quantities of plastic in a dumpster at a convenience store might raise a few eyebrows.

    This is technically probably in the wrong section, if the mods feel it would get better responses in the electronic section, feel free to move it.

    Im just trying to decide if this is something I want to get involved in or not before I get out there and starting advertising, talking to business owners, etc. I took apart 3 of my own junk items today and I think my plastic pile is almost as big as the scrap pile.

  11. #9
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Everyone where you lives burns their trash? No trash pick up at all?

    Maybe look for a place near you with a landfill/dump/whatever.

    An yep, an entire section dedicated to nothing but electronics and ewaste! Lots of reading for ya there! Grab some good beverages of your choice, hit the last page, an read till your current!

    It worked for me at

    Your mileage may vary.

    Sirscrapalot - Raaaaaawhide!

  12. #10
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Here's another one that has a lot of tips;
    Dismantling, Breaking Down & Maximizing Scrap - Scrap Metal Forum

    Also, there is a couple of buyers of ribbon wire connectors, platters and HD magnets. Just check our buyers/sellers section.

  13. #11
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    I was in a similar position with mine here too lh, a plastic pile getting bigger than I liked it to get, and no real solution excepting maybe haul it to another county and pay to dump it there. Each spring here they have a day we can take most anything but tires and batteries to a local area and dump it for free (with a water bill stub, I don't have a water bill out here on the farm, but Mom lives in town and I borrowed hers ; ) I loaded a lot of it into my trailer, even an old fiberglass boat my brother had left here(it was cut in half) hauled it up there and they even helped unload it, never said a word about nothin, or even asked to see the water bill ; )
    Last edited by Bear; 07-10-2013 at 09:40 PM.

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  15. #12
    littlehoov started this thread.
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    I think you can get trash service where I live, but I honestly dont know. I live about 5 miles down a gravel road from the nearest thing you could call a "town" and 20 miles from the nearest confirmed town. So we take care of our own trash out here.

    Even so, I would like to avoid a monthly trash subscription, if this pans out, it will be a money making hobby, not an occupation. I work nearly full time, and do have other things to do. So scrapping will likely come in spurts, whereas trash bills come like clockwork.

    Ill have to make some calls and see if its ok to put it in a dumpster. I hate to do that, but I guess the out of sight out of mind principle applies. Thanks for all the input so far.

  16. #13
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    ah..well if you have trash service in the closest town, they might letcha use their landfill.

    Can't hurt to ask. Well it can hurt to ask, but thats why you ask nice non-violent opposed to nice violent ones!

    Sirscrapalot - ..--....-

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  18. #14
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    Check with that town and maybe see if they have a "spring clean-up"

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  20. #15
    littlehoov started this thread.
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    The town does have a once a year "put anything you want out on the curb" day. But its already passed this year....its a scrappers mecca btw, but Ive never participated, namely because I dont have a pickup/trailer (hence wanting to do small scale electronics which will easily fit in my car). I also always seem to be working on that day...but I digress.

    I did call the trash company and the woman I spoke to said it was "fine to put any kind of plastic at all in their dumpsters". I specifically said ABS when I asked and she said it should be fine. I guess I shouldve gotten her name, rank, and serial # in case there is a problem down the road haha.

    My boss has never had a problem with me using the dumpster, so as long as I keep the scale small, it shouldnt be a problem. Thanks for your advice and support everyone.

  21. #16
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    Landfills are run by the county, call County Services for your county and ask where the landfill is. Take your plastic there as needed, they might charge a flat rate or they might charge by the pound. There must be a landfill close by if your work has a dumpster, what do you think they do with that trash that they pick up from that dumpster? Now back to the connector question, if it's not gold leave it on the wire. Also not every scrap yard will buy ribbon cable, you might want to check first. hard drives I sell whole, not worth my time to brake down.

  22. #17
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I did call the trash company and the woman I spoke to said it was "fine to put any kind of plastic at all in their dumpsters". I specifically said ABS when I asked and she said it should be fine. I guess I shouldve gotten her name, rank, and serial # in case there is a problem down the road haha.

    My boss has never had a problem with me using the dumpster, so as long as I keep the scale small, it shouldnt be a problem. Thanks for your advice and support everyone.
    If you start to hit the dumpster pretty heavy then tip your boss a few bucks towards the next dump.

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  24. #18
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    Try to get as much plastic as possible into your scrapyard shred uns. Don't be a jerk about it, but the front panel on a PC? Put it back on. The things that direct airflow through the heatsink? Leave them in the case.

    From what I gather, nothing really goes to waste. Metals and plastic are separated after shredding, and chances are the processor is getting at least a little bit/lb for everything in the load.

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  26. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by littlehoov View Post
    I specifically said ABS when I asked and she said it should be fine.
    ABS is GOOOD plastic, and if you had, say....40,000 lbs of a particular color, you would be a happy man indeed.

  27. #20
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    this is just me .but with all me cable I only snip the gold plated ends.ones that are not gold plated get left on and go with the wire

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