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win/win/win deal

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    geauxscrappy started this thread.
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    win/win/win deal

    Several days ago,

    I was on a run and stopped to pick up some scrap metal
    Older gentleman came out and was curious.
    We chatted and he went on to tell me about ALL his health problems and how he was in the process of moving (for health reasons) but needed to clean up the property (Im all ears now).

    Long story short the clean up was his last two trailers (Mobile homes) that need to be moved to sell the property. (He had 10 he rented for over 20 yrs).
    So naturally i said what do want for these..?
    His reply: You move them they are yours free and clear.

    So I know right away to move both these I will pay 3-4k for sure..
    I aint got that handy yet..
    But I said, can i have a day or two and see where I stand.
    He said yes but I am gonna list on CL in 2 days if you don't.

    This was 2 days ago.
    I put an ad on CL out looking for a would be investor to move theses and I would almost give them away.

    The bottom line:

    My buyer has paid mover today 4k to move:

    Livable NOW
    14x70 2bd 1bth cat4 wind rated
    3-4 wall panel need replaced back bdrm (not mandatory or structural but cosmetic)

    16x90 3bd 2bth
    4 ton central a/c
    cat 4 wind rated
    Brand New plumbing (less than a yr old) Floors need some minor work, needs some carpet, back bd rm sheet rock needs floating some and gen updating.. (Max $1200 in retail repairs)

    Both trailers have axels but no wheels.
    Found buyer wheels for $25/ea on CL

    My cut a $2500 dollar check
    New owner gets 2 decent trailers for $6600
    Past owner has clear land to sell

    A real win/win/win deal

    D*mn I love this business..

    I am going VIP tomorrow boys

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  3. #2
    BroJer's Avatar
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  4. #3
    parrothead's Avatar
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    Nice flip! Maybe flip that guy a little something if you feel like it. Maybe a nice gas card for his upcoming trip. I know you won't get repeat business from it, but I always have a soft spot in my heart for the older folks with health problems. Unless you think he is set.
    "64K should be enough for anybody." - Bill Gates 1981

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  6. #4
    geauxscrappy started this thread.
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    Funny u brought this up...
    He mentioned he liked my shirt (fishing shirt form Bass Pro) and and my camo shorts so I bought him a $50 gift card to BP...
    Good stuff..

    Quote Originally Posted by parrothead View Post
    Nice flip! Maybe flip that guy a little something if you feel like it. Maybe a nice gas card for his upcoming trip. I know you won't get repeat business from it, but I always have a soft spot in my heart for the older folks with health problems. Unless you think he is set.

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  8. #5
    mudlight2's Avatar
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    I have some land in arkansas that has a house trailor I need moved. Maybe I can workout a similar situation. That would be great.

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