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learned 4 yrs late - Page 2

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #21
    NHscrapman's Avatar
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    Lead, is dried and then treated using pyrometallurgy. The concentrate is sintered before being smelted in to produce a 97% Lead concentrate. The Lead is then cooled in stages which causes the lighter impurites (dross) to rise to the surface where they can be removed. The molten Lead bullion is then refined by additional smelting with air being passed over the Lead to form a slag layer containing any remaining impurities and producing 99.9% pure Lead.
    this site could be of some use keep on learning
    Secondary Lead Production, Secondary Smelting, Secondary Lead Refining

    Last edited by NHscrapman; 07-24-2013 at 06:59 AM.
    There ain't nothing wrong with an honest days work. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool.- Old Man

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  3. #22
    Copper Head started this thread.
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    As a time line -
    post #18 was my third attempt #19 in part was me noticing a issue of third attempt . A Sponge lead rock with weight sinking into the molten mix & absorbing some of the lead , not good
    but #20 was my second attempt and I was not sure why it went well compared to third try. .
    So if I use my time line I will now -
    Clean the plates of what common sense tells you will not melt .
    then put in a AL pot .
    Walk away for a few weeks let nature work . When you consider lead was used in plumbing applications
    & during demo work never seems aged from life . I now see the longer the better if you were to let the plates just weather out .Some of the Oxides naturally fade away back to the eliminates of earth via natural Hydrolysis
    I feel letting soak with Sodium bicarbonate at one point most likely will help also
    after reading these Wiki references
    You realize Lead does tarnish a bit but is very stable , will not rust away if left to the normal events of life

    " has a half-life that is so long (much longer than the age of the universe) that it can be considered stable "

    What is Half Life ?

    I see why lead is essential to batteries now
    it resists decay so well in nature - that forcing a bond with oxidizers and immersion in the acids, allows us to take advantage of leads natural resistance to not decay
    This must facilitate storage of electricity
    Last edited by Copper Head; 07-24-2013 at 10:03 AM.

  4. #23
    Copper Head started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by NHscrapman View Post
    Lead, is dried and then treated using pyrometallurgy. The concentrate is sintered before being smelted in to produce a 97% Lead concentrate. The Lead is then cooled in stages which causes the lighter impurites (dross) to rise to the surface where they can be removed. The molten Lead bullion is then refined by additional smelting with air being passed over the Lead to form a slag layer containing any remaining impurities and producing 99.9% pure Lead.
    this site could be of some use keep on learning
    Secondary Lead Production, Secondary Smelting, Secondary Lead Refining

    Pyrometallurgy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Sintering - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    If I put the sponge lead in a blender
    and blended charcoal and some carbon from Vac Motor Brushes and chopped together be interesting to see if some of the sponge lead becomes metallic lead
    on youtube it does look like the lead is Sintered

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