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  1. #1
    Mick started this thread.
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    Overcoming argument "I can haul it to the scrap yard, myself"

    Today, I went to several yard sales (got a whole carload of electronics, BTW). Anyway, one place was a self-employed plumber. I asked if he had someone buying his copper pipe. He told me he hauls it to the scrap yard, himself (about 10 miles). Instead of trying to get him to sell to me, I told him "That would be better for you cause I'd only give you about half of what the yard does. I sell to them, too". Then he said "Yeah but you'd come here and pick it up, wouldn't you?" "Oh, sure. You could throw the pipe in a bucket beside the house and just call or email me when you get 30-40 pounds. Leave me a note on it "Mick, take this bucket of copper pipe (or whatever - just something to show the Sheriff when he stops me). (He thought that was pretty funny). You don't even need to be here - I'll put the money in an envelope and leave it inside the screen door". He thought that was a pretty good deal - he could make a whole lot more as a plumber in the half day he'd spend loading the stuff, hauling it in and driving back home.

    I didn't convince him or argue - he convinced himself and HE told ME why he'd be better off selling to me.

    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

  2. #2
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Nicely played Mick. Getting folks to sell themselves on something is skill lots of folks don't have, or know to learn.

    Sirscrapalot - Bout 3 minutes from walking over an knocking his neighbor upside his head for being a twit.

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  4. #3
    99problems's Avatar
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    on my trip to scrapyard i was amazed at how many plumber trucks i saw leaving out. wondering if the are coming on official company business or just the employees making extra on the side. Had a water main replaced a couple years ago, and wonder if there was extra copper pipe left and who got it lol

  5. #4
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    Hear this stuff all the time when trying to buy junk cars ! Really ? I should give you more because you could haul it yourself ? Got a car trailer ? Nope ! What about those 2 flat tires and the other two that are gone ? How would you even load it if you had a trailer ? Tell me again why I should pay you more because you "could" haul it yourself ?! Works 90% of the time!
    Alvord iron and salvage
    3rd generation scrapper and dam proud of it

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  7. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by taterjuice View Post
    Hear this stuff all the time when trying to buy junk cars ! Really ? I should give you more because you could haul it yourself ? Got a car trailer ? Nope ! What about those 2 flat tires and the other two that are gone ? How would you even load it if you had a trailer ? Tell me again why I should pay you more because you "could" haul it yourself ?! Works 90% of the time!
    Yeh well we are talkin pipes here..

    Wish ya the best of luck..but it prolly wont take him long to figure out what hes missin out on..
    Cu is king!!!

  8. #6
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    He's a plumber..he knows lest he should. I got computer guys throwing stuff at me, an they know what it's worth, they just don't have the time. Same with my direct tv guy. He even told me Dude works 14 hour days an doesn't want to deal with breaking it down, finding a buyer, etc. An yea..he gives me his copper wire to. ;p

    Gold is king. Copper might be everywhere, but I like my gold.

    One man's crap is another means treasure as the saying goes.

    Sirscrapalot - Redneck rule number one, most things can be fixed with duct tape and extension cords.-Jase/duck dynasty

  9. #7
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    Fantastic, now thats the kind of stuff that gives a guy like me hope. Not to mention i never thought of all the electronics i might pick up cheap at a yard sale. I hated yard sales, but that might have been because my X was addicted to them. And, Yea, i know--u guys laugh at all the stuff I don't know.But honest it was all al cans and some copper wire b4 i found this place. Anyway--way to go Mick.

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  11. #8
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    I find it if You're up front and honest with someone things goes alot farther... I tell People yea.. I only pay this, but You here.. and the other place is over yonder... I tell You what.. I give you what ever lets say 10 cent more.. for it,, save your time and gas.. and wear and tear... on your vehicle.. they will be most willing to comply.. then to load it back up and haul it over there,,, be up and you be surprise how much You get out of just doing that.
    Please Add Us On FaceBook, PC SCRAPPER Sioux Falls SD
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  13. #9
    Mick started this thread.
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    Thanks for the comments. The other thing I found that worked was asking for what I was looking for. None of them had any computer stuff out on display so I'd tell them I just looking for "electronic junk - computers, dvd's and stuff like that. Stuff that's worn out or just isn't being used and I'll buy as junk". Filled the back seat at one place and the trunk at another. Got three towers, bunch of keyboards, two CRTs (took them in exchange for paying less for the "good" stuff) and two brand new DVDs. Plus a bunch of little stuff. One woman wanted to make sure I knew that her computer had a virus. I kept assuring her that it didn't matter. So, if you don't see what you're looking for - ask. The worst they can do is say "No". Plus, then you can give them a card "just in case".

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  15. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    Nicely played Mick. Getting folks to sell themselves on something is skill lots of folks don't have, or know to learn.

    Sirscrapalot - Bout 3 minutes from walking over an knocking his neighbor upside his head for being a twit.
    When you're done with your neighbor can you come over and deal with a couple of mine?

    To Mick working with an intelligent custome is far easier. I think you found a guy that has a real understanding of the value of his time, his scrap and your services. You brought a very easy solution for him that he "discovered" on his own. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  17. #11
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    You know it Miked. I handled mine with words an if it didn't stop I was going to knock some heads together, or call the law. They chose option 1. The 2 dogs, and the bat let them know I was serious. LOL. I did get my revenge tho, buddy pulled up outside this morning, an let rip with his motorcycle right outside their driveway. I'm sure their hangovers loved it. Yea..I'm a jerk. LOL ( This was all at 2am, well past the noise laws, so don't hate on me to much folks!)

    Mick right on once again with the advice on asking. Again thats what I do, an it works like a charm, at the worse you get your name an number out there. Some of my best repeat customers are folks who do regular yard sales.

    Great thread!

    Sirscrapalot - I'm patient till you cross a line, that line is normally when my wife starts yelling at me about it.

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  19. #12
    ginofrater's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mick View Post
    Today, I went to several yard sales (got a whole carload of electronics, BTW). Anyway, one place was a self-employed plumber. I asked if he had someone buying his copper pipe. He told me he hauls it to the scrap yard, himself (about 10 miles). Instead of trying to get him to sell to me, I told him "That would be better for you cause I'd only give you about half of what the yard does. I sell to them, too". Then he said "Yeah but you'd come here and pick it up, wouldn't you?" "Oh, sure. You could throw the pipe in a bucket beside the house and just call or email me when you get 30-40 pounds. Leave me a note on it "Mick, take this bucket of copper pipe (or whatever - just something to show the Sheriff when he stops me). (He thought that was pretty funny). You don't even need to be here - I'll put the money in an envelope and leave it inside the screen door". He thought that was a pretty good deal - he could make a whole lot more as a plumber in the half day he'd spend loading the stuff, hauling it in and driving back home.

    I didn't convince him or argue - he convinced himself and HE told ME why he'd be better off selling to me.
    This Kind of Post is the reason why i am keeping on reading and reading,at this forum .

    Thank you very much.

    Merci beaucoup.

  20. #13
    directrecycle's Avatar
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    I actually wrote up a little flier explaining this to a couple smaller schools. After reading it they have called me regularly since. Sometimes they only see the final check and not the hours lost getting that check.

    Based on a 1000 pound load valued at $100

    $10 hr employee

    Loading, delivery, and return 4 hours 40.00
    fuel 10.00
    flat tire and/or other damage

    income earned 50.00

    $15 / hr employee

    Loading, delivery, and return 4 hours $60.00
    fuel $10.00
    flat tire and/or other damage
    income earned $30.00

    Does not include the cost of:

    Work missed while turning in scrap
    Prep time (removing wood/plastic)

    the fuel / and delivery time / load time was based partly on distance to/from scrap yard

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