You know it Miked. I handled mine with words an if it didn't stop I was going to knock some heads together, or call the law. They chose option 1. The 2 dogs, and the bat let them know I was serious. LOL. I did get my revenge tho, buddy pulled up outside this morning, an let rip with his motorcycle right outside their driveway. I'm sure their hangovers loved it. Yea..I'm a jerk. LOL

( This was all at 2am, well past the noise laws, so don't hate on me to much folks!)
Mick right on once again with the advice on asking. Again thats what I do, an it works like a charm, at the worse you get your name an number out there. Some of my best repeat customers are folks who do regular yard sales.
Great thread!
Sirscrapalot - I'm patient till you cross a line, that line is normally when my wife starts yelling at me about it.