This is a collection of my cpu, and other trinkets that I keep in a tidy organize place..
What I do.. is take some of the higher value stuff and organize based on what they are.
Take a peek.. not the best.. set of pictures.. but if You're curious whats in bucket or box just let me know.

I really enjoy doing this type of work... I've been scrappin for years and years.. and I've learned alot.. I use to sell My boards to a company here in sioux falls.. for 10 cents a pound.. Dam... Was I upset when I found out.. I was being taken for a ride.. Power supplies I was letting go for a nickle a pound...
been like I said scrapping and always learning and always growing... I've started in My apt den, building computers, and tinkering with this stuff, then moved to a basement in my first home... did More computers repair and more... scrapping, then to a store front. more scrapping and more computer repair, then to a store front of 4000 square feet, upstairs for computer repairs, and downstairs Recycling, and Now I split My business in half.. 2500 square feet for recycling. able to stack and another store for My computer repair service about 1800 square feet... and I'm just loving it.. .
Hope You learned a bit more about Me and what I do.. and what I enjoy...
Thanks for looking and if You've any question please asked and I be happy to reply.