Since my last update, I have power at the work site. That alone has made a HUGE difference on our speed.
We have also made it to the scrap yard twice. We have made a few hundred bucks and our fuel consumption runs $21 bucks per round trip. Not to mention the fuel consuption on the property to and from the burn pile.
Our aluminum that we took 4 days to harvest and clean brought 19 dollars at .50c per pound.
I am definitely going to need a sawsall and several blades. I'll check pawnshops for stock and prices.
All in all it feels good to get some cash in our pockets, but I wouldn't be doing this as a normal business transaction if all things were equal. The amount of labor in taking apart the wood, sheet rock, fiberglass, glass, ect. is putting are man hour labor rate at $1.64 per hour each.
But family helps family and it's going both ways.
I also found a use for all the cinder blocks we will be displacing during the process.
Our local scrapyard
The trailer today
To keep the mud off our shoes, we made a walkway by our home
Fixing the roads slowly