I'll call about the price for separating the steel from the mixed metal. Every time I go down there they are too busy to field a lot of questions, but I need to find that stuff out.
I'm almost finished with the first trailer. I just have to take out the rest of the deck.
I had my neighbor come over and look at the burn pile Saturday. He's the retired fire Chief of 35 years. He informed me that everything in the pile was illegal burn.
We are pricing 40 yard debris containers at the moment.
So for everyone interested in how much can be made in scrapping a trailer, here ya go:
2 galvanized steel roofs (Most trailers would only have 0ne) $65.00
All the aluminum siding and windows/frames $160.00
The steel trailer frame itself including 2 axles
$505.00 Gross profit
Pack of El Diablo Sawsall blades
4 trips to the Scrap yard @ $21.00 fuel per trip
My total costs $105.00
Net profit per trailer $400.00
I'm not counting in my cost of things like 2 pair of Walmart work pants, wifes work jacket, 4 pair of work gloves, safety glasses, 12 amp Sawzall and a metal skillsaw blades.
Man hours to complete: 358 so far not counting my daughter. I wont do the per hour math. Maybe someone else can do it faster or has a crew. Maybe a Bobcat.