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  1. #1
    Instaed started this thread.
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    Scrapping several trailers on one property. Need Advice! (With Pics)

    Here is my first post:

    "Hello everyone! I must say this is a very lively community going here!

    Here is my situation: I have moved to the North Georgia mountains onto some land with family.

    There are about 6 old trailers (10X50?) on the property that are of scrap quality. They all have big wooden porches and little appliances in them.

    I have offered to remove them for the scrap metal value because no-one else wants to do anything with them and I can't find work yet in town.

    I have all the time in the world, a Yukon suv and some hand tools. I have started separating the wood porches and taking the window frames apart and removing the glass.

    Can anyone offer me a rough estimate on how much I can make scrapping them after my fuel costs and dump runs (For carpet, insulation, toilets, ect.) are paid for?

    I don't mind putting in the labor, I just hope I don't break even after 40+ hours per trailer.

    Someone on the property told me that the last crew to come out made $500 after 2 days work with several crew-members and a bobcat on the job. They went on to say that the money wasn't enough, hence they wouldn't return.

    I stepped up and volunteered at that point b/c $500 is plenty to me in this economy even if it takes me 2 weeks per trailer.

    Does $500 sound about right? How can I get the most for my trouble?

    Thanks in advance!"

    I could really use any and all advice on how to do this on the cheap. I basically have under $50 in operating expenses to work with.

    Heres the first trailer I'm starting on:

  2. #2
    Instaed started this thread.
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    Here are some more details:

    1. How much is your scrap yard paying for Steel ? Calling around tomorrow (Live in North Georgia)

    2. How far is the scrap yard from where the Trailers are ? Probably about 30 miles one way

    3. How far is the dump from where the trailers are ? 4 miles

    4. Whats your MPG for your Truck ? 10 MPG under load

    5. How much does the Dump charge you to dump the wood and other debris ? I will burn the wood on the property. Other stuff I'm guessing $50 per trailer? (Will get better idea after first one)

    6. Do you plan on Cutting the trailer into sections and If so What do you plan on using a Torch,Sawzall,Grinder ? I plan to cut into sections. I don't have a sawzall. I was thinking about putting a steel cutting blade on a skill saw, but I'm guessing. (Rent something heavy at Home Depot as last resort)

    Also I plan to borrow a trailer from a neighbor, but will rent one if not available.

    There is at least 1 cast iron tub.

  3. #3
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    I know someone said something about a dumpster for the non-metal in the other thread. I'm not sure if your junkyard does this, but ask whether they have dumpsters they'll deliver to your site for the metal. Put all the steel in it and just keep the rest of the more valuable metal separate and take it to the junkyard yourself. I'm not sure if they charge for the dumpster or not though.


    They'll probably still pay steel price instead of mixed metal price if they know it's only steel in the dumpster.
    Last edited by Scrap man; 01-05-2011 at 03:22 PM.
    There's nothing more fun and more effective than hitting something repeatedly with a sledgehammer

  4. #4
    Hypoman's Avatar
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    If you only have $50 to start with, you should do all the aluminum(on all the trailers) first, that way you don't spend very much and you have actually made money. Have you thought about putting these trailers up for sale as is? Or maybe making them you have monthly income? That one there doesn't look like it would be hard to make it livable.

  5. #5
    tjlock's Avatar
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    We rented a dumpster here in Illinois when we tore down the garage. Cost for it was $270. I believe it was a 16 foot dumpster about 6 feet tall. If you burn all the wood and just toss in the plastic, carpets, glass, and toilets, you might be able to fit quite a bit in there. I agree with starting on the windows first. Granted it takes alot to get weight, but you break them down and you could probably fit them all in one load. Start off with a better budget to get you going atleast. A good tip, when you take out a screw or bolt off something, toss it in a bucket. I took in a canister of screws from the items I have taken apart and got $2 for it. It isn't alot, but it helps the income alittle. It is already in your hand when you remove it, might as well make good use with it. Also, make sure to check the underpinning of the trailers, as some make be aluminum. My mom owned a trailer court and there were 3 trailers with aluminum underpinning, 6 with steel, and 2 with vinyl.

    Seen the other thread and somebody already pointed out the aluminum to ya. Yeah, keep it separate from the winders and doors and also, make sure to remove all screws and any steel parts from them as they might try and buy it off you as breakage aluminum and get a much lower price.
    Last edited by tjlock; 01-05-2011 at 02:29 PM.

  6. #6
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    Another thing; you might want to clear away the trees and such in the immediate vicinity of the trailers to make it easier on yourself. It's a pain in the @$$ to constantly maneuver large or heavy objects around foliage.

  7. #7
    Instaed started this thread.
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    So my wife called around for prices today and this is what we came up with:

    aluminum: .50c lb if perfectly clean. Does paint count?

    Galvanized steel: .12c per pound

    Copper: clean $3.35 per pound. All time high according to salvage place.

    Didn't get a price on steel. Wife though aluminum and steel were the same thing. Told me I should do it myself next time if I could do better. I'll have to get back to that.

    The salvage center is only 23 miles away which is a huge plus.

    I spoke to the neighbor about borrowing his trailer and he gave the okay. He also happens to be a retired Fire Captain of 35 years so I asked him if he would walk the property with me and make sure I set up to burn legally. He's close enough to smell burning plastic or carpet from his house.

    Today's progress pics:

    This morning.

    Today I took all of the glass out.

    Aluminum pile so far.

    Staring my wood pile.

    The reason the trailers are being removed is because the land is going to be made into a campground. I agree that some of them look pretty good and have awesome views!

  8. #8
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    You can also strip the bigger appliances to get some added weight for your nonferrous metals. I see your stove there. Should have an aluminum tube in it connecting the burners, brass gas flow regulators behind the knobs and the copper insulated wiring.

  9. #9
    Instaed started this thread.
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    Today took half of the roof off and discovered another roof underneath.

    Also walked to another trailer to have lunch with my wife and daughter and found a lot of furniture in decent condition. I think we are going to clean it up and try to get a couple bucks for it on craigslist.

    More separated steel and aluminum.

  10. #10
    junkdude1959's Avatar
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    I think your doing a decent job keeping up with progress on here,I also think it what needed to intice others on similar projects. Keep up the good work fellow scrapper, sets this site off greatly, I enjoy reading stuff like this and keeps me in the GO FOR IT mood...thanks man...junkdude1959 said that...Good luck on your ventures

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  12. #11
    Instaed started this thread.
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    Yea, I was impressed at how nice the wood looks under the steel roof.

    Today was spent getting the roof apart more and my wife was cold so I pieced together a wood stove from scraps around. Now we have an on-site incinerator.

    We'll move it from trailer to trailer and burn as we go, plus have a spot to warm up.

    My daughter.

    Trailer as it looks today.
    Last edited by Instaed; 01-08-2011 at 05:23 PM.

  13. #12
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    Keep it up. I wish I had a job that big to look forward to.

  14. #13
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    Looks good. Is the wood in decent shape? Might bundle it and sell it.

  15. #14
    Instaed started this thread.
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    I would like to have power at each site if possible.

    Yes? No? How?

    I've been told no codes in Georgia if under 10 stories, so I'm free to fry myself.


  16. #15
    Instaed started this thread.
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    Today was a pretty busy day. I've dulled my skill saw blade and got my hands on an old chainsaw.

    I learned that I should have cut the roof open like a tin can and can opener before I ripped at the walls. I'll do it that way next time.

    About the wood. Maybe I could sell it, but at this point the job seems daunting with just hauling it to the burn pile. I'm pretty tired after today. We'll see.

    My wife and daughter think they have orbs following them.

    I'm glad they helped today.

  17. #16
    Instaed started this thread.
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    Snow day today. I'm hoping to get to the scrap center as soon as the snow clears and the frame is apart.
    .12c lb for steel. .50 for clean aluminum. I've got some bills coming due so times a wasting.

    Opposite view.

    Where we live.

    I was thinking about buying a DeWalt reciprocating saw when I get some money in. 18volt battery type. Anyone have any luck with similar? Are chainsaws okay to use to create wall separation?

  18. #17
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    If the appliances work, list them on craigslist. You should be able to get at least $50 a piece if they work.

  19. #18
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    Contact the local Fire Dept and see if they want to do a live fire drill on one of them. I am sure that they will only do one but after its burnt only metal left...

  20. #19
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    We took another snow day. (Showing some of the other trailers that are coming out)

  21. #20
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    Looks like a lot of fun.

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