i need a Cheap 2 car rollback like $4k or less
and i need another shop 3k square feet or bigger but the flow to stay as it is now
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i need a Cheap 2 car rollback like $4k or less
and i need another shop 3k square feet or bigger but the flow to stay as it is now
somewhere to dispose of 100ish tires I found in the woods. and a garage would be nice. currently store all my stuff(ewaste) in a horse stall and have to break it down in the bed of the truck in the blazing sun. and yes liberty. gas jumped 20 cents in a week here in pa. rough.
It would good to have an energy secretary now that doesn't beleive it would be " good" if gas was 10$/gallon because then we'd use less ! I wish mr chu, and the rest of them for that matter, lived in the real world then maybe gas would be more reasonable level, say 1.50 or 2 a gallon, so the average guy doesn't have to extend his mortgage 10 years to fill an pickup
You will have to stop by again sometime Donnie. It is on the chilly side in my shop...A/C ROCKS!!!!! lol We always have plenty of water, soda and coffee. The shop has totally changed since you were here last. Maybe I will take some pictures today and post them.
as my mom says:
you need your own workshop or shed cos i cant take this anymore.
our yard does look kind of untidy since i began scrapping
More space. When I got out of the Marine Corps, we moved to a different area of MO from where we were raised to an area with a better job market. We took the best place we could afford which was in a nicely maintained trailer park. We've been rebuilding our lives ever since. We're starting small so that we don't violate the terms of our lease, but that means we only have a sun porch and one shed. Someday I'll have a building just for my ventures. That's one of my dreams anyway
We are surrounded by problems. What is the solution?