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Todays thrift store score..

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    Sirscrapalot started this thread.
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    Todays thrift store score..

    So it's Saturday, the day I pick up at one of my local thrift stores. No I didn't find a motherlode of gold, but hey it was free, an I helped them out by taking what would of ended up in the trash.

    So..what did I find in my tote today?

    Bout 15lbs of various computer cables.
    Bout 20lbs of laptop batteries..!
    Bout 15lbs of general household electronic cords,thats not including the wall adapters(Wall
    3 cordless phones, with charger base an charging cords. Testing now, if work will go up on my local CL or thrown in the wife's yard sale. If they don't..they'll be scrapped.
    1 Home stereo built in tuner, 6 CD player, tape decks, an speakers - Cd player doesn't work, but will keep the working unit for my shop downstairs as we all know i enjoy good tunes. An the speakers aren't blown!
    Crappy kind of coaxial or whatever. the steel clad kind.

    And wait for it....wait for it...wait for it....

    A little bendable computer camera guy! Haha! I shall name him Gumby, an mount him somewhere in my shop.

    Again..not the big whale we all seek but, it's free I helped out my shop, saved stuff from the trash, an will cash in all the various stuff. So a score for me. YEY! Oh an the computer cords will be clipped an tossed in my "OMG it's gold!" bucket(tm pending..Lol)

    Hope everyone had a profitable and/or a good day!

    Sirscrapalot - Amused by his bendable camera guy.

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  3. #2
    sledge's Avatar
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    Nicely done sir.

    Sledge- Can't help but hearing "I'm gonna pop some taaaaags.. I got $20 dollas in my pocket"
    I'm so into scrapping.. When my Steel Toe Boots Wear out, I cut the Steel out of them and recycle the Toe!

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  5. #3
    auminer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    ..not the big whale we all seek but.....

    Funny you should choose that word... Last week, down at the bottom of one of my totes from my thrift store run, I came across this little guy. With brass under $2/# here, and he only weighs 3.6oz (according to my scale I got 2 weeks ago from, you guessed it, the thift shop!) He's safe from the scrapyard...... for now.

    Out of clutter, find simplicity. --Albert Einstein

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  7. #4
    Jonniebrass's Avatar
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    Good day for you sirscrapalot. I had a decent pickup from my computer repair guy and a fair buy from a tag sale stop on the way home.

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  9. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by auminer View Post
    Funny you should choose that word... Last week, down at the bottom of one of my totes from my thrift store run, I came across this little guy. With brass under $2/# here, and he only weighs 3.6oz (according to my scale I got 2 weeks ago from, you guessed it, the thift shop!) He's safe from the scrapyard...... for now.

    I think the quarter is worth more right now than the lil whale.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  11. #6
    newattitude's Avatar
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    Does Gumby work? He's cute!
    Scrapper, Scrap Yard Worker, Horse farm worker, Cooler Puller and just plain ''tired''

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  13. #7
    Sirscrapalot started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by newattitude View Post
    Does Gumby work? He's cute!
    Ha! I never thought to check..but yes..he does! I plugged him into a free USB port on my computer, an his green light came on, an the drivers loaded up. Seems you can buy him from Walmart for 17.99. lol. Or from Skype with headphones an the lil guy for 59.99..haha.

    I suppose I should test him by Skypeing with someone but..I'll just go with yes. According to the product description he's a webcamra with a built in mic. Go figure.

    Crazy stuff people come up with! If anyone wants to see more on him, I'm including a link to the listing on wal-mart.(mods if not ok, feel free to edit to remove the clue if its' ok or not to link to such..)

    FreeTalk 7000 Web Camera Starter Kit w/ Built In Microphone, Skype: Office :

    Sirscrapalot - Johnny 5 is alive! - Short Circuit..1 or 2..I forget.

  14. #8
    auminer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    I think the quarter is worth more right now than the lil whale.
    I was wondering who'd spot that first. Yeah, the quarter has about 8.25 times the value of the whale at current prices. I got that particular quarter out of a slot machine payout in Central City Colorado about 17 years ago, back when one-armed bandits still payed out on the spot. I heard it clearly... thunk-thunk-thunk-thunk-TINK-thunk-thunk-thunk.

    Anyway, back on topic... I think next week I'll post pics of my truck when I get home from my thrift store run each day, just to show the doubters just how lucrative those connections can be.

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  16. #9
    TheRecycler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    So it's Saturday, the day I pick up at one of my local thrift stores. No I didn't find a motherlode of gold, but hey it was free, an I helped them out by taking what would of ended up in the trash.

    So..what did I find in my tote today?

    Bout 15lbs of various computer cables.
    Bout 20lbs of laptop batteries..!
    Bout 15lbs of general household electronic cords,thats not including the wall adapters(Wall
    3 cordless phones, with charger base an charging cords. Testing now, if work will go up on my local CL or thrown in the wife's yard sale. If they don't..they'll be scrapped.
    1 Home stereo built in tuner, 6 CD player, tape decks, an speakers - Cd player doesn't work, but will keep the working unit for my shop downstairs as we all know i enjoy good tunes. An the speakers aren't blown!
    Crappy kind of coaxial or whatever. the steel clad kind.

    And wait for it....wait for it...wait for it....

    A little bendable computer camera guy! Haha! I shall name him Gumby, an mount him somewhere in my shop.

    Again..not the big whale we all seek but, it's free I helped out my shop, saved stuff from the trash, an will cash in all the various stuff. So a score for me. YEY! Oh an the computer cords will be clipped an tossed in my "OMG it's gold!" bucket(tm pending..Lol)

    Hope everyone had a profitable and/or a good day!

    Sirscrapalot - Amused by his bendable camera guy.
    You know, I hit up my local thrift store and they have nothing because they send stuff to other stores when it doesn't sell. However, I have a local guy that sell use it again stuff and hits me off with lots of stuff, especially electronics. Since no one picks up tv around here, I'm known as the tv guy/king
    Your Trash-My Cash
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  17. #10
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    Johhny 5 claims to be alive in both 1 and 2.

    A OK Derf, is my favorite quote though.

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