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Lead wheel weights

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper

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    Copper Head is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Lead wheel weights

    Typical for a curb hunter or Dumpster diver , when you see you grab it, & don't stop till it's all in your truck.
    Is that greed nope it's the rules of the hunt. But to be honest if I see others out I will let some things pass cause I do share .(not to say that about CU)

    Ok I found I can get wheel weights from auto stations But as my intro stated thats where one has to calm down, See the stations will give you some @ 4 to 5 pounds but the whole bucket NOPE .
    I see that some weights are pure steel
    some are zinc and some Lead
    problem I am having is
    a few do say ZN or PB but many say nothing or say type A or MC I did see Mc-Zn
    or the name of company like micro
    Is it safe to say if it's not listed it's zinc or another factor I figure is simply Lead bends
    and zinc is way hard to bend Or should I say lead snaps in half easy .
    I am up to 50 lbs of Lead ingots (I made them) I have a mold for baking, I fill to top and you get a 4 lb bar
    my next endeavor is I want to make a zinc bar same size for the reason to see the difference of Lead to Zinc at same size.
    then pot metal these other metals are needed so if i ever need a compelling debate of my product i can show same size but weight truth.
    Just for the record 90% of my lead is from cast iron plumbing pipes and the soft lead from old toilet traps . 5% is from electric company stuff , 5% batteries
    Wile I will use a bat. I will not let them dominate my mix for ethical reasons
    Last edited by Copper Head; 07-25-2013 at 11:32 AM.

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