Today was the best . at one of my normal stops 2 days ago a dumpster had a whole bunch of wire black casing with yellow lines . my first response was WOW but it only look like one copper wire so figured I'll just sell as low grade CU insulated
well the yard says that orange wire is not copper it's fiber optics plastic . I think, well this is gonna be the future PLASTIC .
OK well now the fun starts
I'm driving along feeling fine with my fiber optic wire in view from my window . I get stopped by the
he says where you going, why you around here .I say just came from the scrap yard & looking for more things .
The MAN says why do you have that wire in your car it's fiber optics !!
I said seems everybody knows but me I said it's worthless to me no copper .
I found it in the trash
What trash ? where ? that wire cost a fortune
By now I see I have a problem & I am grilled for 45 min for frig-en plastic how ironic
The cops tell me lots scrappers stealing
and back to the wire ,
You know the wire has a date 2013 I say look close you see the rope and tape this is left over from a job .My truck was such a mess full what looked like garbage and when they ask me for any proof of my trip to the yard it was for $20.
they did call the town I got the wire from and a police truck came to get the wire as evidence If my story does not check out . Lucky I have permission at the dumpster .
Only good thing is i don't have to toss it to trash the cops have it. I did look up value on
ebay 25 feet is like $10 but has some kinda end caps so I don't think this raw cut wire is really worth much.
I feel bad they wasted there time on a real scrapper with plastic , cause some individual was out and about really stealing