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Well, i'm kinda back?

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    Well, i'm kinda back?

    Some of the reg's should or I would hope would remember me! I have been very busy and jut have not been able to get on and have been running out of my mind, thought I would jump on and say hello and tell ya'll what I have been up to!

    I am now buying much more than just e-waste like car motors and transmissions to must types of plastic, batteries and cardboard so its been a long fun trip.

    Here are some photos of some of the deals I have done

    Theres a few but working on some even larger deals now and once they close I will have some more photos to share.

    And hello everyone who I know on here! Sorry that it has been VERY hard to get a hold of me and some of you have been talking with my office staff,

    P.s This is Stephan talking
    My company name was Easy Recycle but has since been closed
    My Name Stephan Harz
    My YouTube page

  2. #2
    newattitude's Avatar
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    Omg! Lol, I was JUST wondering about you last night and was going to ask if anyone had heard from you lately!!! What a coincidence!!

    ETA: Oh, and holy moley on those pics!!!
    Scrapper, Scrap Yard Worker, Horse farm worker, Cooler Puller and just plain ''tired''

  3. #3
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by newattitude View Post
    Omg! Lol, I was JUST wondering about you last night and was going to ask if anyone had heard from you lately!!! What a coincidence!!

    ETA: Oh, and holy moley on those pics!!!
    Hello! long time no chat. How are you doing?

    Yea we have picked up in what we are doing and I am enjoying the ride!

  4. #4
    corycouch's Avatar
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    Stephen ive had good luck and bad luck with core buyers, do you run a route or is it all coming to you?
    expect the worst and hope for the best
    cory couch
    c & c recycling
    (870) 897-6484

  5. #5
    parrothead's Avatar
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    Nice to see that you are still up and running great.
    "64K should be enough for anybody." - Bill Gates 1981

  6. #6
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    Easy Whoooo??? lol Welcome back and good show of material. I'm happy you are doing well, Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

  7. #7
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    Easy how did you get into buying all of the other stuff?
    i am looking into starting to core buy need to get a place and prices together.How did u do it?

  8. #8
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    It was nice meeting you a few months back Stephen. It's good to see you are still doing well and have expanded your buying/selling opportunities. I've got another pile of escrap, hopefully I will be down there soon.

  9. #9
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by corycouch View Post
    Stephen ive had good luck and bad luck with core buyers, do you run a route or is it all coming to you?
    The motors and transmissions is around 1,890 tons a month (I am working with them and sub selling a part of them) so there is no way my truck and load any of that kind of weight....the other things like plastic and cardboard I am buying by the truck load and I have a trucking company picking them up and having it shipped.

    Quote Originally Posted by Focker View Post
    Easy how did you get into buying all of the other stuff?
    i am looking into starting to core buy need to get a place and prices together.How did u do it?
    How I got into it....long story just happened....I had a meeting with a company and we talked about e-waste/plastic's and they asked me what other things I can buy/sell and we talked about there motor/transmissions and worked out a deal so now I mess with those and many other things like staters, AC, copper wire or pure copper and so on....I just need full truck loads. I will buy all your motors and transmissions, whole motors for around 0.20 a pound and transmissions for 0.22 a pound but I need a full truck load and I could cover the freight costs.

    Quote Originally Posted by cobre collector View Post
    It was nice meeting you a few months back Stephen. It's good to see you are still doing well and have expanded your buying/selling opportunities. I've got another pile of escrap, hopefully I will be down there soon.
    Thank you! It was nice meeting you as well and hope to see you here again.

    I will say tho that when it comes to e-waste I am strong but i'm being very careful with the gold prices and not paying top dollar (I use to say I was the best paying person) but right now..I am paying on the lighter side just due to the market.

  10. #10
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    What batteries are you buying?

  11. #11
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobo finds View Post
    What batteries are you buying?
    Li-ion, ni-cad, ni-mh, li-so2 (green army type)

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  13. #12
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    You have any tips on me getting ready to try this hopefully soon?
    Also on the whole motors arent they worth more if you break them all the way down and seperate everything?

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  15. #13
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    very good to hear from you. Nice to see you doing well.

    since I moved into the gaylord category , I don't have much time here any more either. those Gaylords just wont fill them selves yet.
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

  16. #14
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by easyrecycle View Post
    Li-ion, ni-cad, ni-mh, li-so2 (green army type)
    Quote Originally Posted by Focker View Post
    You have any tips on me getting ready to try this hopefully soon?
    Also on the whole motors arent they worth more if you break them all the way down and seperate everything?
    Hello Focker, the best thing I can say is when you try to go big, take small steps and work on projects you can handle. Once you feel good...go after something big and just try to take a big bite and just do it. The worst thing that you could do is fail because it just gave up due to it getting out of hand. So when your doing larger deals you need to be able to think fast and have a plan down.

    Here is a small check list (everyone has something like it.) that I use and I FILL it out (a doc on my pc) on every job I am doing so I have all the numbers and info in one page.

    Who what when and where
    who is covering shipping, 48foot trailer over sea or 53foot? avg weight of trailer (you need to know the trailer info even if they are paying the shipping)

    and so on, I have a whole list I fill out and use to track each deal as a whole down to each load/pallets on the trailer. One thing I have said is power and power is info. So the more info you have in front of you that you can USE...the better you will be.

    Taking them apart would or could make more money but there are about 960tons of motors a month, that's alot of weight and not something I want to sit in the back and take apart. A short ton is 2000# so 960 x 2000 = 1,920,000 pounds. I'm only moving a small amount as of right now but working on finding a better buyer that can handle a large amount.

    Quote Originally Posted by olddude View Post
    very good to hear from you. Nice to see you doing well.

    since I moved into the gaylord catigory , I don't have much time here any more either. those gaulords just wont fill them selves yet.
    Yea I am still buying gaylords of stuff here and there but I will say once you can start finding things by the truck load it makes life much easier but will say 100times more stress.

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  18. #15
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    I also remember you, as you and Ewasted were two of the several names from back when I joined who's posts I read over an over in my researching before joinining, an after. Glad to see your doing well an business has gotten even better, and bigger for you. I wish you continued good luck in your business an life my good sir. Keep it up, an now when you grace the forbes 500 I can go.."HA! He's a SMF member!"!

    To the others asking about how he did it..I suggest you go re-read his old posts, all of them. He dropped knowledge in them without being like.."this is how you do it". I'm going to keep it simple but from what I recall of his old came down hard, an don't give up, an think big.

    Not trying to speak for Easy here or anything, but thats what I got when first starting out here an reading his many posts on his business expanding.

    Anyways..Good to have you back Easy even if just part time or even quarter time! haha! Good luck an continued success to you.

    Sirscrapalot - Behind every successful man is a full cooler of cold beverages. - Me.

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  20. #16
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    yeah easy could u send me some prices pm me them.
    Also how much does it take for a trailer load?

  21. #17
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post

    I also remember you, as you and Ewasted were two of the several names from back when I joined who's posts I read over an over in my researching before joinining, an after. Glad to see your doing well an business has gotten even better, and bigger for you. I wish you continued good luck in your business an life my good sir. Keep it up, an now when you grace the forbes 500 I can go.."HA! He's a SMF member!"!

    To the others asking about how he did it..I suggest you go re-read his old posts, all of them. He dropped knowledge in them without being like.."this is how you do it". I'm going to keep it simple but from what I recall of his old came down hard, an don't give up, an think big.

    Not trying to speak for Easy here or anything, but thats what I got when first starting out here an reading his many posts on his business expanding.

    Anyways..Good to have you back Easy even if just part time or even quarter time! haha! Good luck an continued success to you.

    Sirscrapalot - Behind every successful man is a full cooler of cold beverages. - Me.
    Thank you! You just pretty much summed it all up in that post! Forbes 500, don't think I would ever get there but will say that's what I am aiming for!!

    I will have to show u a project that I have been working on very hard (new company) that will be showing new technology that I thought of, I'm in the programming stages on it and trying to get the funding needed to roll it out as I want to...anyway Sir if you are ever in Dallas...give me a ring!

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  23. #18
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    easy sorry my box was full.message me now thx

  24. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Focker View Post
    easy sorry my box was full.message me now thx
    Glad to here ur doing well easy..When I first joined here, I learned alot from you..i also know ur a younger guy, so more props to ya..congratz n keep it up

  25. #20
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    I can ask for help or advice anytime i want.he tried to pm me but my box was full.

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