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Li-ion, ni-cad, ni-mh, li-so2 (green army type)

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You have any tips on me getting ready to try this hopefully soon?
Also on the whole motors arent they worth more if you break them all the way down and seperate everything?
Hello Focker, the best thing I can say is when you try to go big, take small steps and work on projects you can handle. Once you feel good...go after something big and just try to take a big bite and just do it. The worst thing that you could do is fail because it just gave up due to it getting out of hand. So when your doing larger deals you need to be able to think fast and have a plan down.
Here is a small check list (everyone has something like it.) that I use and I FILL it out (a doc on my pc) on every job I am doing so I have all the numbers and info in one page.
Who what when and where
who is covering shipping, 48foot trailer over sea or 53foot? avg weight of trailer (you need to know the trailer info even if they are paying the shipping)
and so on, I have a whole list I fill out and use to track each deal as a whole down to each load/pallets on the trailer. One thing I have said before....info is power and power is info. So the more info you have in front of you that you can USE...the better you will be.
Taking them apart would or could make more money but there are about 960tons of motors a month, that's alot of weight and not something I want to sit in the back and take apart. A short ton is 2000# so 960 x 2000 = 1,920,000 pounds. I'm only moving a small amount as of right now but working on finding a better buyer that can handle a large amount.

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very good to hear from you. Nice to see you doing well.
since I moved into the gaylord catigory , I don't have much time here any more either. those gaulords just wont fill them selves yet.
Yea I am still buying gaylords of stuff here and there but I will say once you can start finding things by the truck load it makes life much easier but will say 100times more stress.