Last year I posted a story about
thieves rob copper wire well it took a year to get the DNA results back from the lab (it's not like on TV) and they have two suspects. It was the gatorade bottles they left behind.
2 charged with stealing 4.3 miles of copper wire from Sound Transit
"Prosecutors have charged two men with what is apparently the biggest metal theft in state history, based in part on DNA evidence from a pair of Gatorade bottles. Donald Howard Turpin, 54, and Lee Russell Skelly, 44, allegedly stole some 4.3 miles of copper wiring from the underside of elevated Link light-rail tracks over a nine-month period in late 2010 and 2011, officials announced Monday.
"The men were able to sell the wire at scrap-
metal recycling businesses around King County thanks to Turpin's state-issued business license, which led to little or no scrutiny from metal buyers, according to the Prosecutor's Office. Turpin reportedly made $39,000 from the stolen wire, and Skelly reportedly took in around $4,000. So far, it is costing Sound Transit $1.3 million to replace the stolen wire."