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first time curb shopping last night.

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    jord0690 started this thread.
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    first time curb shopping last night.

    Decided to hit the steets last night and try curb shoppin. Turned out pretty well! Got some broken store racking, it was Heavy and it looks like stainless. Also got a small bbq, broken canvas chair, large wire wall hanger, 2 bikes, an old all metal toy baby carrage. Also some other small stuff. Only spent 2 hours lookin around.
    Gonna see whats up with that bbq. Looked pretty new. May be able to resell it.

    Pretty decent night. Gonna have'atter again tonight.

    If I didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck at all...

    GC Metal Recycling & Recovery
    Barrie, Ontario.

  2. #2
    cummins's Avatar
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    take my advice always go out the night before garbage day, i start between 6/7, hit the suburbs man, i drive with a map beside me after i've done the whole collection area i'lll do a zig zag throw it again on my way home.....sometimes i just follow the scrap..rubber neckin.
    be in stouffville tonight pissing the scrappers off their

  3. #3
    jord0690 started this thread.
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    Yeah barrie has garbage collection zones. Theres a garbage day every day of the week sonewhere in town lol didnt see one other scrapper though.

    Buddy of mine works at walmart in the south end and they are doing a huge reno. Hes Gonna see if we can take the scrap. Cause they are just putting it all in a dumpster mixed with everything else. Im also checking out behind big box stores and plazas. Thats where i found the broken racks. In a dumpster mixed with wood and tile. Goin to the landfill otherwise.

    Oh and forgot to mention, was picking up a bike i seen at the curb, load it up and while im securing it this woman comes out and just stares at me. Im mean if she was grilling me any harder id have lines across my face. Seriously woman youre getting offended that im taking the bike you threw out? It was clearly scrap. Flat tires, all bent to crap. But its like she was getting mad that i found use for it and she couldnt. Of course my truck sounds like a **** transport so everyone knows when im around and comes out to check out why im stopped infront of their house. "evenin sir! Just takin yer $hit!"

  4. #4
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Good haul!

    If those bikes are even close to rideable, you could throw them on CL for $20-30 "as-is". It is surprising to me how many "good" bikes I see tossed in the yard I go to. If you are handy, maybe you can put a little work into them and sell for more. It's pretty easy to get at least $75-100 for a working adult-sized bike, around my area.

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