I'm just starting to laugh at whats been happening to me lately with this stuff!
Dad and I were out this past Sunday and we were in an allotment and happened upon another scrapper so as I pulled around him as he was loading stuff I gave him a friendly wave. You know, an ''Hey fellow scrapper.''
He looked at me and help his palms up like, ''what is this crapola?''
Went on our way and as we turned into the next area all of a sudden here he is riding my bumper so close I couldn't even see his headlights. Dad and I are just looking at each other like ''WTH? is this guys problem?''
He rode my bumper through the whole area and when I turned he did too. At this point I'm just rolling my eyes thinking I don't feel like leapfrogging this guy the rest of the day in the next area. I did finally lose him.
I think I'm going to make a big sticky for my tailgate on scrap days that reads, ''I'm scrapping today if you want to follow me.''
I'll just start making it easy for everyone and get the jump on the issue!! lmao and shaking my head at the same time at the weirdness that has become my scrapping life this year.