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  1. #1
    pcscrapper started this thread.
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    Wowzers... Got a phone call from a TV station.. They just wanna get rid of it. Shure

    Got a call from a TV station stating that they wanna get rid of this old stuff.. and among them are crt and lcd, and printers, they didn't have a number of them.. but they don't want anything for it, so.. I'm thinking should I or shouldn't i..

    thought and thought and thought.. Shure why not.. Praying for very little crt but lcd no problems..

    this what came, only five lcd NO CRT Yippeeee.. and loads of goods.. here are a few pics..

    value.. I feel about 200 bucks.

    Bottom Line... SWEET DEAL.. so.. when someone doesn't give you all the facto.. Take a risk.. I did.. and it paid off
    Please Add Us On FaceBook, PC SCRAPPER Sioux Falls SD
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  3. #2
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    yeah I had that load come from the radio station all old stuff and I was amazed at some of the stuff in it lol I was very happy .sometimes that oddball stuff really pays off

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  5. #3
    Enoch43 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I have a new connect at a TV station and...dayum. He said he clears out about every nine months. I am biting my nails for the next call...because the fisrt load was ridiculous. Two truckloads of PC's, servers, and a ton of equipment I learned about along the way.

    If you can butter up your contact, you may have good fortune indeed!

  6. #4
    Enoch43 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    BTW...I like that nice backplane in the bottom of the bottom photo. I just got about $8/lb selling similar backplane on eBay.

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  8. #5
    happyisthealero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enoch43 View Post
    BTW...I like that nice backplane in the bottom of the bottom photo. I just got about $8/lb selling similar backplane on eBay.
    I don't mean to hijack, but wow!! 8$ a # I have plenty of those, I am so glad I have decided not to get rid of them so easily Have you looked for a local buyer?

  9. #6
    Wolfwerx is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Oh man, I would think that a TV or radio station would be the absolute best place to have as a regular pick up. I'd take anything they wanted to get rid of, just to get my foot in the door. I bet the bigger stations are always getting rid of decent grade ewaste materials.

  10. #7
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    Just thinking out loud here...But putting some of the profit back into that source may be a wise investment. You might call your contact back and thank him, and mention you're considering advertising - and ask who you need to talk to. Even if you don't buy any, it goes towards creating a stronger relationship with the TV company, and they'll be more likely to contact you for their future clean outs.

    But if your TV station has community announcements at a low cost or free, it would be interesting to see if that gets you any more business. You might have other PC heavy companies crawl out of the woodwork.

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  12. #8
    pcscrapper started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by foobar View Post
    Just thinking out loud here...But putting some of the profit back into that source may be a wise investment. You might call your contact back and thank him, and mention you're considering advertising - and ask who you need to talk to. Even if you don't buy any, it goes towards creating a stronger relationship with the TV company, and they'll be more likely to contact you for their future clean outs.

    But if your TV station has community announcements at a low cost or free, it would be interesting to see if that gets you any more business. You might have other PC heavy companies crawl out of the woodwork.
    I do advertise with them, thats how they got in touch with us. But the big surprise was.. the goodies, at the same time they have mention crt monitors a bunch of them, lcd and printers.. and I've only recv a handful.

    The whole ethic to this post was .. take a chance you never know what you will get.. unless you say Ok.. Sure No problem

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  14. #9
    Enoch43 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by happyisthealero View Post
    I don't mean to hijack, but wow!! 8$ a # I have plenty of those, I am so glad I have decided not to get rid of them so easily Have you looked for a local buyer?
    I use several of the buyers on here for different items

    I had about 25lbs of material and priced it at $250 with free shipping. Accepted a "best offer" of $205 a few hours after I listed it. Happy with transaction.

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  16. #10
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Good score PCscrapper.

    An I agree...sometimes you just have to roll the dice on some contacts, an see what pans out.

    Sirscrapalot - Likes to gamble now and then.

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  18. #11
    pcscrapper started this thread.
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    Thanks for the kind comment Sirscrapalot... thanks to those that have complimented on all of my post... Been very busy.. rearangging my warehouse.. for a big load coming next week a full semi trailer 53 ft. of goods. so I'm a gonna be a busy man... and my employees and My family.. Oh wait.. I was told.. I treat my employees like crap.. so let me refrase that.. I'm gonna be gitting after my employees and treat them like crap.. gonna make em work..

    but they will reap the rewards BLING BLING BLING.. cha ching.

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