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Wheel Weights #2

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    Copper Head is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Wheel Weights #2

    I figured a new post is needed
    For any one who read the other
    post here is a conclusion (sort of)
    Ok I had my bar retested this time it came out as 68% zinc and the balance a mixture of Lead and Antimony
    That sounds about what a zinc wheel weight would be
    The question ? is it worth making bars of this stuff . A yard might buy it as zinc but after the test he told me its considered just a mix metal
    but can I trust him on that , He called it **** but was friendly about it.

    Reading posts on Amo forums those people know lead . Clearly they like Lead from WW and if it's to soft they sweeten it with a small amount of Linotype, or bullet casting metal.
    For Amo thats the best balance for use and shelf life.
    While I see that some Amo uses zinc One post stated " A small amount of Zinc would cause bullets to fall apart if dropped or even if a loaded cartridge were picked up by the bullet. Like out of a loading block. This after some aging time."
    So it's clear zinc could work if you are using Amo like Now .

    So all in all I see no real reason to make zinc based bars, from WW Unless some one on the forum can tell me why it might be ok to build up a stash of it.
    If Armageddon was to happen I bet people out of necessity or desperation would use this mixed alloy bar But thats a whacked gamble
    Last edited by Copper Head; 08-01-2013 at 05:04 PM.

  2. #2
    spottrouble is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I do not know about zinc/lead mixtures, but I do know that zinc/aluminum mixtures (pot metal) does not age well, over time it absorbs moisture and cracks all by itself.

  3. #3
    Copper Head is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    The fancy word preparatory is not unique to ownership , we all have access to preparatory
    So maybe wheel weights can make a nice specialized hammer or mallots

    this man is making Lead hammers

    Zinc WW is a natural
    No way as the yard guy said the zinc bar is a s*** metal
    Scrappers would like a strong maillot that will do in plastic yet cause less damage to a metal item
    If you look at how to make molds on you tube and have the time to do it the sky's the limit - Entrepreneur
    Last edited by Copper Head; 08-02-2013 at 01:23 AM.

  4. #4
    mrbillbus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    This guy is interested in your zinc.

    need zinc

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  6. #5
    Copper Head is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    It's not really gonna be much effort so I see no harm in WW bars of ZN to just have . sooner or later some one will want it.
    The bar is dense with good heft for it's size .Since lead hammers are made
    a zinc hammer seems useful to me.
    The 68% zinc with the balance of lead - The Antimony is there as it is used for alloys including Lead .I think is going to be a good mix for work conditions

    I am going to make a Zinc maillot of around 4 to 5 LB & I am going to put it to the test
    and see if it really can be bashed on steel with out damage to steel ( nuts & Bolts ) I also want to see how well it ages and last
    I feel WW zinc & the way it's alloyed is designed to withstand hard conditions , weathering from cold to hot,it's a alloy mixture but it's there for us to utilize .

    Lead or zinc same ability
    Dead Blow Hammer
    Last edited by Copper Head; 08-02-2013 at 10:17 AM.

  7. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Copper Head View Post
    Ok I had my bar retested this time it came out as 68% zinc and the balance a mixture of Lead and Antimony
    That sounds about what a zinc wheel weight would be
    The question ? is it worth making bars of this stuff . A yard might buy it as zinc but after the test he told me its considered just a mix metal
    but can I trust him on that , He called it **** but was friendly about it.
    First off there is no lead in a zinc wheel weight. They started using zinc to get away from lead. Second, the reason bullet casters don't like zinc is that it is nearly impossible to cast good bullets with zinc in the lead mixture. Once mixed together it is very difficult to separate the lead and zinc. It is a lot easier to not mix them in the first place. Pure lead melts at 621 degrees F and zinc at 787 degrees F. As long as you keep the temperature in the melting pot in the low 700s you can just scrape the unmelted zinc ww off the top with the iron clips from the lead ww. Lead and zinc are worth more separate then melted together so no there is no reason to make mixed metal bars, especially since it is so easy to not mix them.

    Find somebody who makes fishing weights or scuba weights and sell the bars to them, they are not as particular about the metal composition.

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  9. #7
    Copper Head is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by starbits View Post
    First off there is no lead in a zinc wheel weight. They started using zinc to get away from lead. Second, the reason bullet casters don't like zinc is that it is nearly impossible to cast good bullets with zinc in the lead mixture. Once mixed together it is very difficult to separate the lead and zinc. It is a lot easier to not mix them in the first place. Pure lead melts at 621 degrees F and zinc at 787 degrees F. As long as you keep the temperature in the melting pot in the low 700s you can just scrape the unmelted zinc ww off the top with the iron clips from the lead ww. Lead and zinc are worth more separate then melted together so no there is no reason to make mixed metal bars, especially since it is so easy to not mix them.

    Find somebody who makes fishing weights or scuba weights and sell the bars to them, they are not as particular about the metal composition.

    As you see from the yard I go to they are the ones who used the tool that determine metal type , If you say zinc WW have zero lead then I'll have to assume some lead lead WW slipped by me . I thought I was very careful I checked each one and none could be crimped
    In time i'll try once more
    I am going to make my own mallets with these metals . I will make a one time use plaster mold base on some mallet head I have.
    Plaster can take the heat and it wont cost much to get. I see how to do it from you you tube and seems to me I can use plaster same way .
    I am convinced a lead mallet and or zinc mallets have a little give and might be better at some of the demo work of busting things,
    I feel there will be less rebound .
    Some zinc WW are defiantly all Zinc . hard nice sound when you drop them . But I have seen some batches of WW with Zn listed and they are just a little softer you have to give them a double take . .China has sent toys here with lead paint. Are you 100% sure some have not got a touch of lead in them.
    Last edited by Copper Head; 08-04-2013 at 06:31 AM.

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