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Is that for perfect pallets or just run of the mill pallets?
If there good pallets shop around, there's no reason you can't get atleast $5 for them.
Also, snag plastic pallets whenever you can. I got a place that just wants them gone so I get them for free and have another place that pays $12 to $15 per pallet.
I do some repair on them,they dont have to be perfect,Oh i have shoped around i used to get 2 bucks at the feed store,but it was kinda limited market,he only needed like 100 every couple months or so.Really theres not much of a market around here for used pallets,not much industry,lot of seed companies but they all seem to buy new ones, It may have something to do with where they ship to, I know the place i work must use new heat treated pallets because some items may ship out of the USA, some worry about tree disease i understand. I dont get that many plastic pallets, always a use for them. i keep a few for me and the rest of the fisherman in town, keep a few at the net yard.