If he tried selling to a yard I could see a case made of.."Recieving stolen property" but law is not my forte, but seriously that's the only charge I could see, an someone would have be a real douche bag to go that route. From Copperhead's description it shows its age, an he could just tell who he got it from. I wouldn't do
ebay, or the yard. Ebay has gone all mommy on certain items, they don't want sold. That's cool, it's their right and their company to do as they please. I would hope the law would have better things to do then come after someone for a piece of rail road rail that is over 40 years old..maybe a statue of limitations on something like that..I dunno, I ain't a lawyer or a cop. LOL.
Bigger things in this world to worry over then someone who bought/given a piece of rail at a yard/garage sale.
Just how I see it, an Copperhead I agree, put it to use for yourself, an don't worry about selling it or anything. An if anyone does ask you about, make sure you keep the guy who you got it from's name an address. If anyone was guilty of stealing it was him or his family, etc.
Dot them i's and cross them t's, an CYA.
Sirscrapalot - Always enjoyed taking a trip by train.