Your a brave soul. College town mattresses, chance of bed bugs an other not cool you want an option for that doesn't include burning, or dropping off at the yard. You are a brave one. I applaud your efforts.
If you take the time to learn how to check for the dreaded bed bugs an other things(Fluids, other pests, etc.) You could try your local homeless shelters, churches, etc. That provide such things to folks who need them. Just make sure that stuff is clean of all things before you do.
I can't stress enough the importance of checking for those infernal bugs. An for all that is holy, use gloves town beds, an bed bugs..gah..Get a hazmat suit..College kids do some crazy stuff. Heh.
Good luck an I applaud your efforts. I hate seeing the things out to, but..I hate bed bugs more.
Sirscrapalot - When birds burp, it must taste like bugs. - Bill Watterson