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stock piling for the last three months, i need advise

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  1. #1
    Wolfwerx is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    My yard doesn't post anything, and the guys at the scales aren't allowed to talk pricing. If you want to know prices, you have to talk about it with the people in the office. It was very frustrating when I first started, but I soon got into the habit of calling before I bring in a load of non-ferrous materials. They don't make the process very friendly for newbies, but I have to admit that they don't ever do anything squirrelly between the scale and the payout window.

    It's the only yard that takes shred within a reasonable drive of me, so it doesn't really matter what the pay is: if I want to play in the scrap game, they're the ones I go to for everything but ewaste.

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  3. #2
    volvoscrapper's Avatar
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    Buddy of mine takes his non-ferrous to Dabal & Sons in Garfield. That's not Hudson Co. but not far. He takes ferrous to Cinelli in Secaucus. Don't know if either takes A/C but worth a call. If you really get desperate on the A/C units you can call Arlington Scrap in Wayne, tell him what you got

    NJ yards aren't prone to posting prices.

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