Ok, I think that this will work. Here is a link to a few pictures of the stuff I got. Since I'm posting on Google+, I didn't want to brag too much about my "haul" in case the former owner finds the page. So, I listed the things I got as "some examples of what I accept." However, this pics are from this pick up. I know it isn't huge...but it was free and the biggest pick up for me so far.
Click here for pics.
It's not the point of this post, but you can follow me on Google+ if you wish.
If you want a quick way to "destroy" a hard drive in front of a customer, hit the motor spindle really hard with a hammer, and it will buckle the discs inside. One quick blow of a hammer, and the customer can rest assured that those old drives aren't going to be read again. While it wouldn't be impossible to recover data off of those discs, I can't imagine anybody going to the trouble for some random business' files.
The benefit of doing this is: It's quick enough that if the customer is worried, they can watch you knock out a bunch of them. Not as messy as drilling (plus you don't have to pay for drill bits), so it can be done in the customer's location. The discs can still be sold on ebay as whole, as they are not being drilled or cut.
Hehehe, yup, that's my old favorite too Mech. :)
Went back Friday (yesterday) morning for another pickup. I got 7 desktops computers and a big quad core server and about 75 pounds of wire. Going back again in two weeks for another pick up. So glad I answered that phone!