So on Saturdays my dad and I go around to garage sales. I usually try my well honed (enter sarcastic look) negotiating skills to buy some scrap stuff. Most of the time they want way too much so I pass. Sometimes they just wanna get rid of stuff.
I found a bin full of extensions and computer wires and any kind of wire you can think of. I guess he did clean outs and threw all the wires in one place. I got the whole thing for 15 bucks. (After clipping all ends and removing transformers and things it weighs in at over 20 pounds of insulated. So I did ok with all the other stuff that was in it and came off of the wires. I know you can't make a living doing it this way but it keeps me busy and I at least make a little.
Well in the middle of the HUGE tangle of wires was some metal pieces and cables for an amp of some sort. There were 3 or 4 pieces to it and a name on it. It said DeArmond. I had NO IDEA what it was until I went to
Ebay. It is some sort of a guitar pickup and according to ebay they are selling for hundreds of dollars.
Does anyone here know anything about what this might be, if Ebay might be right, Did I do alright?
There was also a power supply for a Colecovision that might sell for 20-25 according to Ebay.
Anyone have any idea on that either?
Oh I also got 5 Tv's for free from an estate sale and 3 more from the other garage sales for free!!!!! 8 is the most I have gotten so far. They are usually free at a couple of garage sales you go to. Then there are the others that try to get 40 bucks for an old style monster of a TV!!!!
Thanks for all your thoughts!!!!