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I think I found a gem

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    hosshoss started this thread.
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    I think I found a gem

    So on Saturdays my dad and I go around to garage sales. I usually try my well honed (enter sarcastic look) negotiating skills to buy some scrap stuff. Most of the time they want way too much so I pass. Sometimes they just wanna get rid of stuff.

    I found a bin full of extensions and computer wires and any kind of wire you can think of. I guess he did clean outs and threw all the wires in one place. I got the whole thing for 15 bucks. (After clipping all ends and removing transformers and things it weighs in at over 20 pounds of insulated. So I did ok with all the other stuff that was in it and came off of the wires. I know you can't make a living doing it this way but it keeps me busy and I at least make a little.

    Well in the middle of the HUGE tangle of wires was some metal pieces and cables for an amp of some sort. There were 3 or 4 pieces to it and a name on it. It said DeArmond. I had NO IDEA what it was until I went to Ebay. It is some sort of a guitar pickup and according to ebay they are selling for hundreds of dollars.

    Does anyone here know anything about what this might be, if Ebay might be right, Did I do alright?

    There was also a power supply for a Colecovision that might sell for 20-25 according to Ebay.

    Anyone have any idea on that either?

    Oh I also got 5 Tv's for free from an estate sale and 3 more from the other garage sales for free!!!!! 8 is the most I have gotten so far. They are usually free at a couple of garage sales you go to. Then there are the others that try to get 40 bucks for an old style monster of a TV!!!!

    Thanks for all your thoughts!!!!

  2. #2
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    I'd say you did quite well. So..well played!

    The wire you should make your money back, an the guitar thing..maybe post a pic for the rest of us? An the coleco power supply should all be profit, not a bad day's work. Not sure I recall someone mentioning a vintage gaming forum, but might want to check for one an see if you can't sell it there, or like you said on eBay. Gamers go nuts for the oddest things. Especially if their old school ones with some money to burn. They might have the unit but no power supply, or vice versa. Colecovisions were awesome way back when. I remember them quite fondly. I was more of an Atari fella myself tho.

    Anyhow, be sure you check the sold/completed listings on ebay, cause even tho they sell for $$ they might not have sold in the past.

    Good luck an nice score all around!

    Sirscrapalot - I like cold beverages an I can not lie..- Sung to Baby Got back..

  3. #3
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Not sure I recall someone mentioning a vintage gaming forum, but might want to check for one an see if you can't sell it there, or like you said on eBay.
    Retro Gamer forum • Index page

    RetroCollect Forum • Retro Gaming Forum for Retro Gamers & Collectors of Classic Games
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