Hey folks,
Well, today is another day in the life...
Today, someone that works with me asked me if I really was interested in taking some "stuff" of his to recycle. Of course I said yes. He said, "well, I was at the county dump today and he said he would save anything electronic that comes in for me (my co-worker) and I will just pick it up and bring it on to you."
So, I asked...is it ok to be taking things out of the dump like that? We won't get in trouble will we. Oh, no, he says. They give me a receipt for anything I bring in and for anything I take out. If there is any thing you need, just ask and we can see if we can get it from the dump."
Great! I said. Then I invited him into my lab (my basement) to show him what I do. He was very surprised and impressed. Then, he eyed a flat screen monitor I picked up the other day as well as one Dell server. Well, after some conversation, I told him to take the server, the flat screen and an extra power supply I had laying around. He started to pull out his wallet and I told him to keep it. He was doing me a huge favor to bring me stuff from the dump. He could have what ever he wanted.
Oh, and before he left he gave me a desktop and the circuit boards out of a rear-projection TV along with the heat shields/sinks from the TV. I tried to give him something for the desktop and stuff and he says no...that he travels that way regardless and he's more than happy to keep it out of the landfill.
This should be a pretty good working relationship.