Melting metals for me - Lead bars - Zinc Bars -
I have learned how forced air to a fire causes lots of heat when fire is encased .
Charcoal , hard wood . soft wood - allow for different heat & how long the extreme heat will last , At the curb OAK furniture trash is a fine source of long lasting heat. I have yet to try Cole .
So the inspiration - - Some metals we find can be melted into bars and are easy to sell as such . As it stands we as scrappers just keep giving away our finds like there is no tomorrow for at best 1/2 value .
We need to store away some of our finds in the form of Bars . saving 10% or less to have when you need rainy day money .
I did read on a post some place here that melted bars yards don't trust .Truth is a good yard has Hand-held metal analyzers
This is changing the operations of many scrap yards . We can capitalize on this in the future.
I have noticed to myself some of my ideas & thoughts come to pass, not acting on a hunch is a loss.
what we find is going to dry up & I see this type of work will take its toll on your body .save some while we can.
This looks good
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