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To all of you on this forum. I have said thanks before, but now I want you to know the whole story.
Before joining this forum I needed to make some extra money. Did not realize the potential until I actually started scrapping.
1 - Got rid of the house my wife and I had built 7 years ago. In subdivision could not even park my car on the grass to wash it.
2 - Bought new house out of the city and paid cash. Went so far out I do not even need a permit to put up a fence.
3 - Paid off most of my medical bills.
4 - Starting to convert new house and land into a preppers paradise. So no. Don't ask for pictures or location.
5 - New house and land are located such that I can expand operations.
I did this all with the knowledge from here and the skills I have spent a lifetime learning, but I would not have done this without the knowledge I got from here.
Thank all of you so much.
God is good.
You are indeed an inspiration!
Now, if you can just send me your address, I can send a nice little house warming gift