I was at the yard last week when some guy loaded 6 servers off his van. He headed to scales dragging the cart behind him like a fisherman with a huge catch. I know the yard pays 5 cents a pound for CPU boards. Such a crock.
He lifted the cart on to scale for 410 lbs and 100 feet of RJ45. I leaned over to him and said "for the love of God, please tell me that your not sell this as tin scrap". His eyes bugged out of skull, like what kind of strange metal do I have here? The scale guy said that would pay him tin scrap price and insulated price for wire. He was looking over at me for advice and I didn't wanted to get kicked out trying to buy
ewaste over the yard.
Went home and made
business cards. I still wake up in the middle night with cold sweats and eerie feelings of getting paid tin price for ewaste.