over the weekend holliday on Monday spent the afternoon at the park with wife n child. took a drive around nearby neighborhood for a relaxing tour. seen a bbq pit and washer/dryer great shape on side of the road.. finished relaxing drive droped them off picked up trailer and headed back... picked up pit... stoped at washer/dryer and the guy was outside, I asked him if I could have them (polite always is nice) he said no problem and by the way the dryer works great but a switch is out on washer, I thanked him loaded up and left.. on the way home wife calles, her mom's dryer went out hahaha I said guess what I got one being delivered to her now lol...... nice savings.... but the thread title is cause of this, I picked up a smaller projection tv, they have some copper some alum, some cast alum, not much money but it adds up.. so an hour ago I just tinkered with the guts and lookie what I find... hope the pics post..
Gold Baby!

Oh yea.

Gold baby Gold

Processor Gold smiles.

Other side