got a call yesterday from my brother and he says "can you run by and pick up like 21 servers tomorrow?".......ummm YEAH! "Oh and there is 2 7' server racks so bring your trailer. Gee I wonder if I should go.....
Well, here is what I got from them.....2 Compaq 48U racks COMPLETE with rails and hardware....already called my buddy that has his own IT company to see if one of his clients needs a new one!
21 servers, about 10 desktops, several bad APC's (including one that is over 100+ lbs.....CHA CHING. Various LCD monitors and about 3-4 boxes of cables ect. Oh and a huge box of hard drive cages for those servers (like 50).
BEST part.....guess how much it cost me? Wait for it.......ZERO, NADA, NOTHING.
Now I didn't get hard drives in those because of HIPPA compliance (they have to be destroyed by their document destruction company...and trust me...I tried to get the account since they did 400 recently....but legal wanted the national company to do them). Never fear, I did not shed a tear...I will just take all the other stuff left behind.
Oh and they are currently redoing most of the IT stuff, so I will get a TON more. Actually had a large load a moth or 2 ago.
Anyways...thought I might share!
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