left home to get some riding lawnmower stuff to service it. then passed down a near by street and picked up a tv at one house next house had
microwave, drove further down same st. some guy was changing out his waterheater.. he gladly gave it to me
on way home stoped down another street they had lol a rolling steam bath, ill post pic of that soon, and nice iron shelf, some empty pain cans. got home was scrappin stuff when my brother in law who lives next door came told me he had a tv for me from his friend who he moved today.. cool thank you bro in law, then lol he said he forgot about what I do cause today him nor his friend could remember me when they were beating their head wondering who could come pick up 2 FULL SIZE FRIDGES, ONE SMALL FREEZER, 2 MICRO WAVES ELECTRIC STOVE, AND DVD PLAYER.. so they called a guy from his work, then after all gone they said sh00t bro in law does this stuf hahahaha.. well least I got a tv.. lol..