Well all of you know she goes around with me my first run on Sundays. Well, she has also bought me stuff at yard/garage sales. her buys have either netted ''even'' or a little bit profit. Hey, I'm not gonna complain, she doesn't realize that hard scrapper bug has rubbed off on her or if she does he just can't fight it any longer
Anyways, Last week she bought a fireplace poker(?) set for me for $1.75 at a church rummage sale. For fun, when I broke it down I decided i was going to keep it separate and give her the money for it no matter if it profited her a buck. I waited a loooong time in line that turn in day and the guys there all like me so i didn't feel bad when I pulled her stuff out and threw it on the scale so I knew what her item weighed. they all chuckled anyways!
She made .05 on the brass ''toppers'' so she was already in the black a nickel. The rest if it including steel and die cast netter her another $4.75. She got lucky with that particular buy!
So, I handed her a fiver and she put it in with our ''pool'' money which we have going up for an adventure just the two of us soon as we can decide on something to do that matches up with each other. It's been 2 months and we still can't decide together
the original $1.75 I attributed to gas, taxes, 2 seconds of break down time and tally time lmao. Lol, she knows and she doesn't care, she just thought I was crazy doing that for her in the first place!!