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| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #21
    Lupin111's Avatar
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    Wish you and family the best.

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  3. #22
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    my wife an I will pass some prayers for you, your family and your medical team, thank you for telling us so as gods grace and prayers from all here, shows and does miracles of faith.

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  5. #23
    beardo's Avatar
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    Wishing the best, good luck and a speedy recovery!
    "And if your train's on time, You can get to work by nine, and start your slaving job to get your pay. If you ever get annoyed, Look at me I'm self-employed
    I love to work at nothing all day" -BTO

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  7. #24
    pcscrapper started this thread.
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    People are wondering what is a pectus, Here is my pectus after the first surgery, Im posting two pics so you can see what it looks like from the front and the side.

    If you have any question for Me, please post them here as I be happy to answer them but this will be corrected the right way on Oct 10th, again thanks for all the support and the over whelming prayers.
    Please Add Us On FaceBook, PC SCRAPPER Sioux Falls SD
    also our Prices are listed here
    PC Scrappers LLC
    623 S LYON ST SUUTE 200Sioux Falls, SD 57104

  8. #25
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    Best of luck with the operation. My experience with "major" surgery was a kidney transplant I got a little over a year ago so I have a little advise.
    Shave your arms, it makes it a lot less painful when they get around to pulling off the tape. Ask the Dr. to tell the nurses not to install the catheter until after you are knocked out.

    After surgery FOLLOW the Dr.'s instructions you will recover quicker. It took me nearly a year to do the complete recovery and to this day if I work too hard I can feel it where they put in the new to me kidney (by the way it was put in the front not the back).

    Last but not least put your affairs in order and notify whom ever should deal with such stuff where your papers are located.(in case you didn't fully get that I will spell it out write a will)

    I trust you have done your homework on this operation and your eyes are open. I have not read every entry so if this has been covered I am sorry to bring it up again. 73 Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  10. #26
    pcscrapper started this thread.
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    Thanks for the kind advice Mike, this is the second go around for the same issues,

    Trust Me... they will put the cath when I'm asleep.. and I'll have a spinal block epidural.. inputed before I go into surgery I'll be in ICU for five days,

    The big kicker to all this is that. The surgeon is a pediatric,,,, there are very few people in this country that does NUSS PROCEDURES should look it up and You'll see whats going on.

    if they can't get a clear path then they will do a midline opening and thats is what I don't want to do again,

    bout the IV, they are going to put a line in... my chest... up at the top of my chest.. so No Iv just at the begining.. and they will take that iv out once they have the central line inserted.

    I've done my homework this time, and learned alot and wished to share it with others out there, if you looked up above you will see two links for my facebook and on there are a few pics of my

    pectus.. I'll be the first adult they have done in the sioux falls area.. its a new ground breaking.. alot of adult.. has this and they never done anything about it, so this will be a opening to a new

    chapter for many others.

    again Thanks to everyone for there support and prayer, less then two weeks to go. and doc says no beer or cigar one week before surgery, I said, can I've one more on the last tuesday he complatated and he said how much you smoke, I go One Cigar. and then he goes how much you drink I go only on tuesday and then goes can you live with out the beer on tuesday and I go well yeah.. and then he said Ok, you can drink and one more cigar. On tuesday but nothing else

    He a really good doc and I'm in good hand.. I trully belive Pediatric surgeon are better then adult. my opion.

    again like to say thanks and look forward to getting back up and running soon.

  11. #27
    pcscrapper started this thread.
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    Folks I just letting You all know and thanks for all the prayers and kind words My surgery is Finally here Thursday at 630 am, I'll be looking forward to getting back to myself soon. I'll be down and out for about two to three weeks before I decide to head on out the door at home, I'll be in the hospital for at least 7 days if not 8 to 10 all depends on whats going to happen.

    I want to ask for a prayer train On my facebook, if that could be made possible that would be great.

    Just look up Larry Giannini Thanks. I'll miss the site for a few weeks but it would be a good break... Our Pc scrapper recycle will still be in operation but it will be a few days longer the normal due to the major surgery, Thanks and and Again IN advance for all the kind words and prayers.

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  13. #28
    jord0690's Avatar
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    Good luck buddy, im positive you'll do great. You'll be In my thoughts!
    If I didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck at all...

    GC Metal Recycling & Recovery
    Barrie, Ontario.

  14. #29
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Best wishes to ya my friend and a speedy recovery. Don't miss us to much we'll be here waiting for ya to return.

    Sirscrapalot - Wheeling an healing.

  15. #30
    nuttingbutjunk's Avatar
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    Finally a set date

    Our prayers and thoughts are with you and your family... Hope you have a speedy recovery

  16. #31
    jord0690's Avatar
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    Any news on the outcome of pcscrappers surgery? Havent seen him make any posts recently (maybe he has and im just blind)

    Hope all is well!

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  18. #32
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    I just spoke to him a couple of days ago. He says he is recovering well and the surgery went well.


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  20. #33
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    Hoping for a speedy recovery.
    Urban Mining: When people give you free money.

  21. #34
    jord0690's Avatar
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    Good to hear!!

  22. #35
    pcscrapper started this thread.
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    I'm back, First off, I want to say thanks to all my friends at SMF for thier prayers and support, Its been one heck of a month, Oct 10 surgery went well, then on halloween night My business my computer store was robbed, its on my facebook under photos called robbery, Then two days later I tripped and fell and found a slight fracture of the rib, Its been a tough go around since the robbery and the surgery, tring to recover with such stress its been hard on Me, I'm so far behind at the warehouse, I don't know where to begin, I could use some temp help to get things back in order. How I'm feeling right now, Well, with Valium, Hydroconde,aleve, and lunista, and varapamil I'm feeling quite floopy. but the bottom line I can now breath and talk my heart off, It was well worth the risk, If You head over to facebook you will see My pictures of what it looks like now and what it looks like then, and Please don't send Me a training bra... I've gotten a couple as it is just not pink,, so no wise crack.. but hey I could use a good laugh... I miss you guys, and glad to be back, just started back to work a bit today and gotta catch up with a few people that have sent in from out of state, I want to say thanks for your understanding and Will get things going. I look forward to chatting with You all soon, If You miss Me, give me a jingle dial 605-271-2616 and I be happy to chat with You all.. again Thanks for the prayer train and the support from the over whelming of My friends at SMF and family and griends, its been a rough one and I made it... Thank You... My Family and Kids thanks You folks too.. for keeping Me in your mind, If You folks can tell me whats the news and things I need to hear about would love to hear that. Talk soon.. Mr Scrapper is back.. but in light duty mode. Talk soon.

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  24. #36
    nuttingbutjunk's Avatar
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    Finally a set date

    Glad everything went good for u. Sorry for sum low life breaking into ur store. It seems like when it rains it pours. I have had a ruff year this year I lost both of my parents and some close friends to. All I know is to pray for one another and keep believing things will get better. Hope the best for you and your family. Add me on facebook if you want to.

  25. #37
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    i feel you pain man i have had a bad summer myself.Wrecked a dirtbike and broke both of my wrist didnt make a dime for 2 months.When i got my cast off i noticed that my hip had been hurting some so i told the doc had to have a mri done just last week.I had fractured where my femur connects to my hip which is healed but i tore something in there and now need surgery and will be down atleast 6 weeks.So i am waiting until i get some money built up before i have it done.But i have been stressed like no other about making money and in pain all of the time.
    So i know what your going through and it isn't fun.

  26. #38
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    Glad to have you back PC, take it slow man it will all be there when you are 100%. Sorry about the break in as well.
    I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.” John Wayne-- The Shootist


  27. #39
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    Welcome back, FOLLOW your Dr's orders and don't over do it. Your recovery will take longer than you want. Physical activity is important but be ready to sit down or just go take a nap. I speak from experience. Mike.

  28. #40
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    Glad the surgery went well! And sorry about the break in. Parents just had their car broken into last night. Makes you want to find the guys and pummel them. Most important, Like everyone else said, take er easy. Glad to have ya back.

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