today I made my first time I payed for computer towers, ive done another thread where it was when I missed out on a huge load 300 apx towers this guy from craigslist gave away and some of you said when one door is missed another opens, so the same guy contacted me and said he had 30 to 50 towers, I went up there today we agreed on 2 to 3 dollars for complete tower, his kids, him and myself loaded but didn't count plus he threw in extra stuff a box with 54 hard drives 30 sticks ram 13 slot cleaned processors 18 p3 processors 14 various small processors from dells, 2 flat screen TV's, 2 older flat monitors, a freezer.. cords/cables/keyboards, 3 vcrs 4 printers all extra.. counted up the towers tonight for 64 towers micro and mid size desktops all pretty much complete 8 complete lap tops 6 lap tops with missing memory an battery. one server.. and couple misc items. I gave him 120.00 for the lot and about 12 bucks in gas.. and said id make up some if I had extra on the next time I see him..