So, I traded a contractor one of my display cases for all of the metal he was pulling out of a warehouse in my building. The previous tenant was a contractor and basically left all of his materials there in a huge mess. He told me there was this thing under a desk in the corner that I can grab.
I go and check it out, and it's only about a foot tall, so I reach under and spin it by a handle. Spins pretty easily, I guess it was on some pivot like a rock or something. I go to slide it out, and end up leaning back at almost a 45 degree angle and the thing won't budge. Then, the handle snaps and I'm on the ground.
I finally spin it out from under the desk, and read the plate on it. I have no idea what I'm going to do with it other than a doorstop for now (or an anchor). No, there was nothing to add to my "OMG It's Uranium!" bucket.
There is a lot of easily accessible lead in this thing if I find that no one wants it as a collectible...not that I really would want to scrap it.