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  1. #1
    newattitude started this thread.
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    Why would a yard not carry enough cash to pay customers?

    This has happened to me twice this week, they are out of money by like 3pm. I wasnt happy having to go back the next day for my money. anyone else ever have this happen?

    Last edited by newattitude; 10-02-2013 at 09:04 AM.
    Scrapper, Scrap Yard Worker, Horse farm worker, Cooler Puller and just plain ''tired''

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  3. #2
    Mick's Avatar
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    Cause it's going down the tubes. One here ran out of money and bounced a check. When I got there, they said they couldn't take my stuff and had to wait on a shipment payment. Within a month, they were out of business. Bounced check = death.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

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  5. #3
    greytruck's Avatar
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    Never happened to me, but talkin inline to others that the yard just north of the one i use always runs out of money for some reason.

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  7. #4
    auminer's Avatar
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    If that ever happened to me, I'd tell them to take my picture..... cuz they'd never see my smiling face in there again!
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  9. #5
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    A new saying has been born: "Seller beware"
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  11. #6
    MetalEarthRecycling's Avatar
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    Happens almost every weekly at the yard i go to & they have been in business for 30 yrs. They buy so much material but only ship out the material to sell twice a week. Its not good for business for sure, but they do make a lot of money & people are still coming. Im sure they have lost some businesss from this since alot of people dont have any money saved & depend on day to day scrap money.

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  13. #7
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    I've never had that happen to me in all the years I've been scrapping. Yards around here can't afford to do business like that, people would just go across the street!

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  15. #8
    jghilino's Avatar
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    yea id be avoiding that yard, theres about 30 yards within 50 miles of where im at so if a yard did that they would be out of business quick
    I buy and sell all types of scrap and escrap. I buy specialty and hard to sell escrap. I buy resale items. PM me or contact me at

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  17. #9
    newattitude started this thread.
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    Yeah, this just started happening and its their ''satellite'' location. I just think its baaaaad business. if I went to the store for a load of food the store wouldnt let me come back tomorrow to pay, they want their money now. *I* want my money now. both times my product was already offloaded which ticked me off or I'd have gone elsewhere. they should just put a ''closed for the day'' sign up when that happens IMO.

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  19. #10
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    We run out of money from time to time. We have several larger AC contractors that sell us their scrap, so it only takes a couple guys coming in to sell 500 pounds of ACRs and a couple hundred pounds of #2 Cu to run out our cash. When I get low, I always advise folks before they start to unload that I may not be able to cover their sale, then if they want to drop it off and pick up the money, they're welcome (and they usually do) but I always give them the choice...

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  21. #11
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    Yards are like the people that operate them, some better then others.The satellite yard has to get a pass and I will tell you why, if the manager of the yard does not keep track of the day's business and finds himself short on Cash all he should have to do is call the main yard for more money,if they chose not to send him money it's the owners decision not the managers fault,that being said if the satellite yard is better for you and since they have a habit of running low on cash I would give them a call before heading there way.

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  23. #12
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    My advise is to find another yard. That's just bad business practice. AT LEAST, they should tell you that they can not pay you. I guarantee you, a yard would only do that to me once. Like most here, I buy stuff on a small scale. I can't even imagine telling people "Sorry, can't pay you for the stuff. Come back next week". Now, if you made prior arrangement, like - "I'll haul your stuff to the yard and we'll split the ticket 50/50", that'd be different.

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  25. #13
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Been paid in stacks of ones and change before, never had them run out of money though

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  27. #14
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    My advise would to be to try and go earlier in the day to avoid this all together. I know it's not always possible due to well... life in general but I personally try and get there within a half hour of opening this not only guarantees fat stacks of cash but they also seem to have more time to talk about material I have questions about or shop talk, prices what have you. I find my most productive days are yard run days a pocket full of cash seems to make me work faster the rest of the day lol.
    I agree with the majority they should have told you before you unloaded!!!
    get their prices and prices of competitors before you go next time. if they run out of cash don't see it as a headache it's more like an opportunity the ball is in your court not theirs see if you can flip some material for an easy extra profit
    Last edited by NHscrapman; 10-02-2013 at 08:01 PM.
    There ain't nothing wrong with an honest days work. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool.- Old Man

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  29. #15
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    the yard I go to runs out of cash some days, but I think its because they dont want to have too much on hand at once, and dont want any left at the end of the day. Checks are issued for large amounts or when they run out. Their bank is accustomed to cashing numerous checks a day for their customers

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  31. #16
    JustInTime's Avatar
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    The one yard I go to gives you a print out with a bar code on it. You then take the receipt to a shack with an ATM in it, scan the bar code, and it spits out your money.

    The other yard just has a crotchety old man with huge wads of cash in his pocket. lol

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  33. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustInTime View Post
    The one yard I go to gives you a print out with a bar code on it. You then take the receipt to a shack with an ATM in it, scan the bar code, and it spits out your money.

    The other yard just has a crotchety old man with huge wads of cash in his pocket. lol
    This is what my yard does.
    I do want to make one correction though to the OP.
    You are a vendor to the yard not a customer.
    You can make money 2 ways.
    1 - Do what others won't.
    2 - Do what others can't.

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  35. #18
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    There is also the security aspect, of course. Here in Houston, a trend has been developing over the last couple few months, of robbing recycling yards at gunpoint. I try not to keep more than $2500.00 cash on hand at any given time, that way if someone comes in and robs us and actually outruns my #2 buckshot on the way out, I've "only" lost what I had on hand. Also, after having an employee walk out with over 2 grand in his pocket one day, I learned that "fat wads of cash" are not the way to go. I won't pay by check, this is a cash-for-product business, IMO, I like it that way, and so do my vendors. I would certainly lose business if I started to pay by check...

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  37. #19
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    Even though this is an old thread, I’d like to add two possibilities that were not mentioned. 1) Offer to trade what you have in your vehicle for something they have. Then look for something really cool that you might get cheap. 2) Offer to buy something from them outright if you have cash in hand and can afford to do it. That will at least give them some money to deal with the next client or until their rep gets back from the bank with a new supply of cash.

    Even if you can’t work out a deal, this may score brownie points as the scrap yard will remember you as someone who tried to help when they needed it.

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  39. #20
    harsas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RecycleStation View Post
    There is also the security aspect, of course. Here in Houston, a trend has been developing over the last couple few months, of robbing recycling yards at gunpoint. I try not to keep more than $2500.00 cash on hand at any given time, that way if someone comes in and robs us and actually outruns my #2 buckshot on the way out, I've "only" lost what I had on hand. Also, after having an employee walk out with over 2 grand in his pocket one day, I learned that "fat wads of cash" are not the way to go. I won't pay by check, this is a cash-for-product business, IMO, I like it that way, and so do my vendors. I would certainly lose business if I started to pay by check...
    This is what I was thinking. When I was still in Ft. Myers, robbery would have been a concern for sure. However, I do not agree with the check issue. Of course, it is always nice to walk out cash in hand and certainly there are some folks who clearly needed their daily cash. Still, when I had a large drop or it was late and cash was short, my yard there would write me a check. I never had an issue as I could simply run into the bank and cash it. Of course, it would only take one bad check to change my mind...
    Have Fun,

    I hate rules, but I love junk.

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