Just remember when you were paying .50 for a sandwhich, an .5 for bread...
In 1950 a new house cost $8,450.00 and by 1959 was $12,400.00 More House Prices
In 1950 the average income per year was $3,210.00 and by 1959 was $5,010.00
In 1950 a gallon of gas was 18 cents and by 1959 was 25 cents
In 1950 the average cost of new car was $1,510.00 and by 1959 was $2,200.00 More Cars and Car Prices
I used the 50's cause..well..just seemed a good time frame. lol.
Anyhow..I have no thoughts on this at this moment, but keep posting ya'lls cause it's interesting seeing others take on this question.
Good thread 1956.
Edit to add : Here's the link to the site I pulled that info off of, if anyone else is interested in that kind of thing.
What Happened in the 1950s featuring News, Popular Culture, Prices and Technology
Sirscrapalot - Can't remember when bread was a nickle but remembers when gas was a buck, smokes were 2, an you could get a 6 pack for less then 7 bucks.