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Just let off with a warning.

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    Rollyrogers33 started this thread.
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    Just let off with a warning.

    I had recently found this business in my area that does Internet and TV installation. The dumpster is a primo find every time I go there. I walk away with at least 10 lbs of wire, cheap boards and lots of RJ45. I figured that I should stop by and ask for permission to be there since I am there after business hours. Went got a haircut, shaved, put on a collar shirt. Spoke with a manager who said owner doesn't want pickers there. I explained what kind of business I am trying to build and I work clean and neat. He said okay. That was great until tonight when I was met by an officer of the law. He said that I was trespassing and possibly stealing from the dumpster who could be getting paid by the trash company. Very unlikely. Their trash is not sorted and it's a local company for trash only.
    I admit I did get nervous talking to him, but reassured him I spoke with a manager and dropped his name. Officer wanted to know if I had anything in writing or a business card. He had me there. Let me off with a warning. I have to go back and bug this manager for something in writing which I guessing is going to be a "no". Should I offer to place a barrel there?

  2. #2
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    Figure out somehow why you are doing them a favor and let them know the benefit of your service.

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  4. #3
    brandon's Avatar
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    I would offer to put a barrel or can there, inside preferably if you can collect it during business hours. Get you some digital scales and offer to pay them for their trash, I pay $.05 lb for the things you listed from computer repair shops, they call me when their bin is full.
    My fortune cookie said:
    You discover treasures where others see nothing unusual.

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  6. #4
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    Might be best to try working it over to something better than drive by dumpster dives, although you've got a rough start here, and sometimes it's hard to get back on smooth ground afterwards. I'd recommend working in that direction soon though(without becoming a nuisance), because if "anything" goes wrong in the meanwhile(comes up missing etc), you will be the first person that comes to their mind

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  8. #5
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    This happened to me a couple times about 15 years ago. Get some bussiness cards and get general liability insurance. $1,000,000 coverage will cost you approx $100.00 month and will cover you anywhere you go. This will also reasure business owners that you are proffesional and not a liability ( That is their biggest concerns ). having the cards and insurance will also up your chances by ten fold getting new clients. Then when you get permission from a company just have them sign the back of one of your business cards.

    I know having a monthly expense is a burden and 99% of the people wont do it but this is a start to becoming proffesional and will put you ahead of the 99%. I guarentee that if you had insurance it will pay for itself. It will also start you in the direction of getting out of dumpster diving and getting a small shop to work out of and doing pick ups from the companies you used to dumster dive from.
    Last edited by manchvegassalvage; 10-21-2013 at 08:31 AM.
    Sean Beuque
    Go Green Recycling
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  10. #6
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    Also get to know the local laws in your area, dumpster diving is legal in many areas. In the areas where it is legal its considered abandoned property in the dumpster. Having said that arguing with the local law enforcement person is not a great idea. They may consider all scrapers as borderline thieves instead of independent business persons.

    I like the suggestions you have gotten so far. I do think you will get shot down more often than not but success is hard work and requires lots of trying. I like the business card idea a lot. As a former professional salesman I can tell you that the very best get told no on the first meeting 9 times out of TEN.

    I will share a little sales call advise, here is what was referred to as the four rights of the customer:
    1. My name is
    2. My company's name is
    3. What business my company is in
    4. Why I am here today

    You would be shocked at the number of "professional" sales people who fail to let the customer know some or any of these. Remember your potential customer's time should be treated as if it is valuable, failure is insulting to him/her. There's lots more to the scraping business than I ever though. Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  12. #7
    Rollyrogers33 started this thread.
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    I can't thank everyone enough for their insight and thoughts towards this issue. I know that I am heading in the right direction, now! Thank you again!!!

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