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Went curb searching

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  1. #1
    Dburge87 started this thread.
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    Went curb searching

    So i decided to go curb seaching yesterday for scrap metal. Lucky enough i found a middle size refrigator, and an old VCR. After driving around, didnt really fimd much. I got home and starting.taking apart the refrigator first. Ripped out the metal back(not alumimum) bummer, but after taking out the foam insulated. I found huge middle alumimum coils with copper wire inside. It was onli 336.5 grams worth. On the bottom was a metal compressor, but i cant break into it, its welded steel or metal, but theres something inside and dont know what it is, but its heavy as f***.

    The VCR i tore up next but nothing of value. Only one heavy alumimum part that turns. ????

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  3. #2
    greytruck's Avatar
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    Theres a electric motor inside the compressor, along with some oil. The only thing about vcr's is that if the case is steel. If the case is plastic, I just leave it there.

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  5. #3
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by greytruck View Post
    Theres a electric motor inside the compressor, along with some oil. The only thing about vcr's is that if the case is steel. If the case is plastic, I just leave it there.
    Not exactly true as I recycle ewaste and electronics. There are a couple or brown boards in there, some wire and the metal things you are talking about are electric motors....generally 2 (for FF and RW)...but some may have a couple of others that are smaller. Depends on how much time you want to spend...if not, in the shred pile it reason to leave something that small and easy to deal with.

  6. #4
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    Up here shred works out to $0.07/lb and ewaste is $0.09/lb, ...including the old (wooden) console TV's. Clip the cord and into the ewaste pile for me if I don't want to tear it apart.

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  8. #5
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    Theres a motor in that compressor. Its about 2 Lbs worth of #2 Copper wire.

    You need a Angle grinder or a Plasma cutter to get inside it.

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  10. #6
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eesakiwi View Post
    Theres a motor in that compressor. Its about 2 Lbs worth of #2 Copper wire.

    You need a Angle grinder or a Plasma cutter to get inside it.
    But don't catch the freon/oil on fire or you'll have a dangerous combo.
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  12. #7
    parrothead's Avatar
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    That compressor should fetch you somewhere around 20 cents give or take per pound in your area. You can spend the time to rip it open, I just sell them whole.
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  14. #8
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Like others above...I sell the compressor straight out as I don't have the time, tools, or desire to bust them open. Plus...thats more time for me to BASH vcrs! VCR's I'll take all day, whether its plastic on outside or metal. They take very little time to pop open, rip out the innards, move on to the next item.

    An hey! It's how I've been rebuilding my VHS collection. I got 3 vcr's that were free an work, an my thrift store has been giving me vhs movies for some odd reason. lol. Its all good tho, they keep giving me stuff I like. (Boxed set of original star wars, Die Hard Trilogy(only 3 when came out on vhs!)

    Good luck, an don't get discouraged cause the vcr didn't produce a gold bar. That alum, brown boards, wire, it all adds up quick an before you know it, you got a nice little profit going on.

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