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Went curb searching

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper

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  1. #1
    Dburge87 started this thread.
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Oct 2013
    vernon, Tx
    Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post

    Went curb searching

    So i decided to go curb seaching yesterday for scrap metal. Lucky enough i found a middle size refrigator, and an old VCR. After driving around, didnt really fimd much. I got home and starting.taking apart the refrigator first. Ripped out the metal back(not alumimum) bummer, but after taking out the foam insulated. I found huge middle alumimum coils with copper wire inside. It was onli 336.5 grams worth. On the bottom was a metal compressor, but i cant break into it, its welded steel or metal, but theres something inside and dont know what it is, but its heavy as f***.

    The VCR i tore up next but nothing of value. Only one heavy alumimum part that turns. ????

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