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100+ dishwashers

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    wayne1956 started this thread.
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    100+ dishwashers

    Got a call from a plumbing company saying he had about 75 dishwashers he wanted to get rid of. I told him I could pick them up, but it would take several trips, even with my 16 ft flatbed. He said no problem. He slightly underestimated, there is about 125 dishwashers. about 20% have metal bodies, the rest plastic. Along with about a dozen other appliances. The yards around me do not like to take the dishwashers with the plastic bodies as they do not like paying for all that plastic, and I do not blame them. Luckily I have 7 1/2 acres to store them as I disassemble them. Going to get a nice size batch of brass, stainless steel, electric motors and #2 insulated out of this. Plus will help me keep busy when I have nothing else to do. A couple of people have asked me what I am going to do with all the plastic bodies. I tell them I use them to put store larger pieces of plastic and other stuff I remove from other scrap I disassemble, then when it is full I load the whole thing in my truck and throw it in a dumpster. I also use several right now to store wood that I am going to burn during the winter. Helps to keep them off of the wet ground when it rains, and help to keep them from getting scattered during the year.

    On top of scrapping the metal, I am going to keep all the better racks from the dishwashers and see if I can do something with them on ebay.
    Last edited by wayne1956; 10-30-2013 at 07:07 PM.

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  3. #2
    brandon's Avatar
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    I have 1 plastic body from a dishwasher, I use it to store low grade boards in, wish I hade more of them for other boards.
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  4. #3
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    Since you have so many, you can do an analysis of what a breakdown of one will pay out for you. A yard I use buys them whole(without the wiring) for $5 each so I don't even break down those plastic bodied ones.

  5. #4
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    I've only had one, I packed it full of other plastic and took it to the spring clean-up drop off day. I've got another one out there that's been around for years, all metal body, stainless steel in places, I'd of guessed it had copper wound motor but nope, was by there yesterday and took my pocket knife to it, nothin but aluminum.
    You might could advertise those plastic shells for free, or maybe a buck apiece or something, might get rid of quite a few like that

  6. #5
    parrothead's Avatar
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    They do make nice sized storage bins. I have one myself that I chuck my brown boards into.
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  7. #6
    Russell's Avatar
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    Use them as storage bins for small scrap steel pieces. I would talk to your yard and see if that's acceptable. You could do exceptionally well, if you have the storage space as you described. I would use it like a savings plan; fill as many as you can and wait for prices to peak, sell all at once. Just my opinion. I don't see a yard having an issue, the ratio of fluff would be rather small if you filled the carcass with good material, especially in bulk.

  8. #7
    wayne1956 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Russell View Post
    Use them as storage bins for small scrap steel pieces. I would talk to your yard and see if that's acceptable. You could do exceptionally well, if you have the storage space as you described. I would use it like a savings plan; fill as many as you can and wait for prices to peak, sell all at once. Just my opinion. I don't see a yard having an issue, the ratio of fluff would be rather small if you filled the carcass with good material, especially in bulk.
    I already use washers, dryers and chest freezers to haul my small steel. I save the small pieces in 5 gallon buckets, then when I am ready to take a load I will load the appliances on my flatbed, then dump the small stuff in the washer, dryer or chest freezer.

  9. #8
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    Do you have a plastic buyer at any of your yards as the ones here are buying plastic will buy them as plastic

  10. #9
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    Like Bear said, put them on craigslist for a buck each and I bet you'll sell them all.

  11. #10
    wayne1956 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattscrap View Post
    Do you have a plastic buyer at any of your yards as the ones here are buying plastic will buy them as plastic
    Wish there was one near here buying plastic, I would save them up and haul them all out there. As far as I know of no one here in the DFW metroplex area buys plastic scrap.

  12. #11
    redcrossnj's Avatar
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    nice score wayne . I wish had that many , I love breaking down dishwashers . my yard takes the plastic ones no problem . besides the racks there are other parts that bring good money , the springs on the door , the wheels inside, the rails , utensil trays, etc . so many things you can sell on ebay. hope this helps out.

  13. #12
    wayne1956 started this thread.
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    Well this is turning out to be a bigger job than I anticipated. As I remove some, he adds some to the pile. With what I have hauled off so far and with what is left, I am looking at 300+ dishwashers. I took in a load of 24 washers in my flatbed that all had plastic bodies just to see what they would say, and they unloaded all of them with no problem since I did not take any of the good stuff off. I figure since I am taking in a lot of plastic, I can afford to leave the wiring harness, electric motors, ect on there. I will average about $150 for a load of 24 without having to process them, so I will get around a couple of grand just for what he has now, not counting what extra he throws on. I am kind of running into a bit of a problem though. I am picking up other stuff during the week, but it is so dark at night when I get home I cannot process them. Then my weekends are spent trying to get all the dishwashers off his property, and I have little time to process the others, so they are accumulating. Not complaining though, this is kind of a good problem to have. Once I have gotten most of the dishwashers off his property (I am storing them on my property for right now), then I can just start loading and taking about 3 loads in every Saturday to the scrap yard. Sure wish they were open more than half a day on Saturday, and wish they were open on Sunday, but it is what it is. I got a feeling that this may turn out to be a long term deal, so if you get a chance you may want to talk to a plumbing company. If they say they have someone already, then still give them a card and tell them if they have anything they need to get rid of and their regular person cannot take care of it, to give you a call. May get your foot in the door. I got this deal because one of his workers who scraps would rather deer hunt right now, and if I read the cards right, he may be losing out permanently. In addition to all these dishwashers I have gotten 8 water heaters, about 10 cast iron sinks, about 15 steel sinks, around 3 dozen faucets (can you say brass galore!!) and a couple of other little odds and ends. I do some cleaning up as I go, and he was very pleased about that as he never asked me to do it, I just did it on my own. I sure hate these short days, as I go to work when it is dark and do not get home until it is dark.

    In case if anyone is wondering whether CL ads work or not, he got my name from CL, so hang in there. There have been times I did not get a single call for a couple of months, but lately I have gotten 2 - 3 per week.
    Last edited by wayne1956; 11-25-2013 at 08:34 PM.

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  15. #13
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    Cool deal Wayne!

  16. #14
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    If I may recommend something here.

    When I get a big load like this I rent a large 5 ton truck with a power tailgate. (or borrow one if I can)

    Also hire a labourer to help you(pay him/her a good wage so they are happy to work for you).

    Most of my customers want the stuff gone asap or they call someone else-it sucks to spend money on stuff like this but believe me it is worth it in the long run!

    Congrats on the big score!

  17. #15
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    Some people have written about the silver contacts in diswasher timer mechanisms, but I have not yet been able to pinpoint them, even after searching the archives and googling. Are these only in older models?

  18. #16
    wayne1956 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by erewen View Post
    Some people have written about the silver contacts in diswasher timer mechanisms, but I have not yet been able to pinpoint them, even after searching the archives and googling. Are these only in older models?
    First I have heard about this.

  19. #17
    wayne1956 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by brokescrapper View Post
    If I may recommend something here.

    When I get a big load like this I rent a large 5 ton truck with a power tailgate. (or borrow one if I can)

    Also hire a labourer to help you(pay him/her a good wage so they are happy to work for you).

    Most of my customers want the stuff gone asap or they call someone else-it sucks to spend money on stuff like this but believe me it is worth it in the long run!

    Congrats on the big score!
    It would be an option if he really needed it gone quick, but the main reason for him to call me was that he had so much stuff there he could not get a replacement bin in the yard for his cardboard. I concentrated on the area that the bin would go and got it cleaned out and cleaned up, so he is good with me going in there when I get the chance. He gave me the combination to the two gates there, so I am basically free to go when I want, I just need to text him when I am going and when I leave (which is just common courtesy anyway). Since I am not going anywhere for Thanksgiving, I will probably make 6 - 8 trips between this Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Should be able to clear out 150 - 200 dishwashers. The only thing bad is it takes a little over an hour to get there one way, but with getting $150 at least a pop, I can live with it. If I can do this in the next few days, then that should put me in good position to start processing the other appliances I have been accumulating. That is the nice thing about having a 16ft flatbed, as I process an appliance I can put it on the flatbed, and when the flatbed is full off to the scrapyard I go.
    Last edited by wayne1956; 11-26-2013 at 12:23 PM.

  20. #18
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wayne1956 View Post
    First I have heard about this.
    Do a search Wayne, an it won't be the last! Bunch of threads on here about this topic, usually pops in every thread on washers/dryers. Our resident Kiwi has posted on them as have several others. Easy to miss though in some threads.

    Good luck with it all!

    Sirscrapalot - Ribbbbet!

  21. #19
    redcrossnj's Avatar
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    man wayne I almost cried when I read you WERNT processing them lol

  22. #20
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    No need to process them
    5 lb elect motor
    3 lb #2 ins wire
    10 lbs steel
    maybe a brass valve

    i think you are getting more as is...

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