sorry I have ben gone so long been so busy. so I got a call today from a regular customer . sied he was parting out a score board and wanted to know if I help with disassembly I could keep all the damaged boards. so I agreed. good thing too . now he I going to try and part them out the good boards , control panals and stuff . there the big screens high above a arena. so I get there and there are 4 of them and omg the boards lol 1st load was over 200 lbs of damaged boards. . other thing it some of the boards are medium grade and the others are high . but I think the high might be telecom.
here are links to pics of the boards ill take pics of the screens tommarrow
I have over 200 lbs of these
Mitsubishi Diamond Vision Scoreboard Dia P06 5200 LED Display Unit 7 5" x 7 5" | eBay
have about 75 lbs of these so far but wondering if there telecom . there real clean. btw the back side look like the front without the connection pins
Mitsubishi Diamond Vision Scoreboard Dia P06 5200 LED Control Unit Guaranteed | eBay
but over all a real pic score . took 3 hours to do . I don't mind make over 100 dollars per hour lol
btw we think they were from the old penn state ice arena but not sure