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aluminum cans

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  1. #1
    donttrashmscrapm started this thread.
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    aluminum cans

    So I recently started picking up cans I see on the side of the road. I live in a rural area, and have always seen cans all over; figured why not pick em up.
    Anyway - was wondering for those of you who pick them up, what kind of can do you see more?
    Beer? Soda? Energy drink?
    Every can I've picked up so far has been a beer can..

  2. #2
    jord0690's Avatar
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    I dont normally pick up cans but i see mostly pop. Beer cans have a 10c deposit here so never see them lol
    If I didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck at all...

    GC Metal Recycling & Recovery
    Barrie, Ontario.

  3. #3
    tsmith53149's Avatar
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    Im in a photgrophy class, and whenever i go down this rural road that i used to work on (real pretty!) I mainly see beer cans. Some soda, some energy, but mainly beer. This one day, there was a walmart bag just full of them.

  4. #4
    newattitude's Avatar
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    mostly beer and some energy drinks
    Scrapper, Scrap Yard Worker, Horse farm worker, Cooler Puller and just plain ''tired''

  5. #5
    NHscrapman's Avatar
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    beer beer beer around here and most of them are tall boys.
    Edit just wanted to say thanks to the guys that pick these up. Nothing and I mean NOTHING makes me more angry than litter
    My head almost exploded when i picked up an organic juice plastic bottle out of one of our gardens
    Last edited by NHscrapman; 11-06-2013 at 02:38 PM.
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  6. #6
    greytruck's Avatar
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    Beer cans. Mgd, miller lite and icehouse. I pick em up when walking the dogs. On going motorists must think im a drunk walking with a 22oz mgd can at 2:00 in the afternoon.

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    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    I find mostly beer an energy drinks. I find it funny on the energy drinks, all that energy an you had to toss it out the window or drop it instead of carrying it to the can! All that energy Oh an it's mostly cheap beer, around here. Nasty water in a can like Busch, Natural light, etc.

    An NH I agree with ya buddy, pisses me off to see the litter anywhere, but even more so on my sandbar. The southern half is a national wildlife refuge for birds, turtles, an other sea critters. I smoke, an I want to pull a Hypoman an punch people in the face when I see them flick butts out the window. Buy a **** butt can people! Having spent time out in AZ an the wild fires, it annoys the hell out of me.

    I can only improve my corner of the world an do my best to keep the stuff off the ground when I can.

    On a side note....When I used to work over nights many years ago, we'd get off at 7 am roll into 7-11 to grab a 6 or 12 pack, an man the look we'd get from people! I put in my 12 hours, if I want a cold beer when i get home at 8, thats my business! lol. Try explaining that to the suits..not everyone works 9 to 5. LOL.

    Sirscrapalot - Punch'm in the face! - Hypoman

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  10. #8
    Ironhunter's Avatar
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    Yeah litterers drive me nuts too, had one person in front of me at Wendys pull forward from the drive through window and throw the napkins and other stuff they gave them in the bag she didn't want on the ground.. No respect for their community, the law or self respect, just a slob. Thank you for cleaning up your community, I walk down my road every spring with my trash can and usually it is 1/2 to 3/4 full when done (I keep the cans though )
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  12. #9
    ryanw's Avatar
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    A couple months ago, someone parked in front of my office and tossed her fast food bag and drink into the rocks in the planter area. She then went a few doors down to a warehouse sale. I went and grabbed the trash and threw it back into her car through an open window. I was standing outside still when she came back. She left the trash in her car.

  13. #10
    NHscrapman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryanw View Post
    A couple months ago, someone parked in front of my office and tossed her fast food bag and drink into the rocks in the planter area. She then went a few doors down to a warehouse sale. I went and grabbed the trash and threw it back into her car through an open window. I was standing outside still when she came back. She left the trash in her car.
    Well Played Sir Well Played indeed

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  15. #11
    dshrader's Avatar
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    aluminum cans

    I'm in rural area too. See 98% beer cans. And the big ones, not regular almost all big ones

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  17. #12
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    Maybe it's due to the open container laws, they can toss their soda cans in a bag, but those beer cans gotta go through the window ; )

    One of the things I near always used to drop through the window was the little strip of cellophane from top a cigarette pack, I don't even toss those any more but wad em up and put em in a trash bag. It's not a hard habit to break if you'll think about a poor little bird choking on it before tossing it out the window

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  19. #13
    yoni's Avatar
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    Hopefully they are full beer cans Lol. but most of my cans are beer cans as well.

  20. #14
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    Mostly beer cans. I found so many when I was little, I started a beer can collection. Now I have over 4,500 different cans. If I have saved 4,500, imagine the number I have recycled. Talk about hoarding your scrap. I think I will have the family scrap the collection to pay for my wake, 4,500 full cans of beer. Sir can you bring the cooler.

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  22. #15
    newattitude's Avatar
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    Just walked about a hlf mile section of the main road last night with the dog and picked up a couple pounds of tall boys and Monster energy cans and a bunch of pop cans this time. I love the ones already flatted by cars lol.

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  24. #16
    VoodooDaddy's Avatar
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    I live right on one of PA's best creeks, the Yellow Breeches. Come summertime, I can strategically place a tree or limb with alot of branches on the current side of the bend out back. So when the punks who think it's a great idea to just let there cans float away come by, I can just hop on my little homemade pirate ship, float down, collect cans from my trap, and enjoy a few cold ones myself along the way. And yep. They are always beer cans.
    -I also seem to come across alot of aluminum trim from doors that floated away in the floods along the creek...

  25. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patriot76 View Post
    Mostly beer cans. I found so many when I was little, I started a beer can collection. Now I have over 4,500 different cans. If I have saved 4,500, imagine the number I have recycled. Talk about hoarding your scrap. I think I will have the family scrap the collection to pay for my wake, 4,500 full cans of beer. Sir can you bring the cooler.
    Wow I thought I was the only doing that... I quit collecting at 450 but I never found any full cans ( there was a couple Coors but I poured them out).

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  27. #18
    SoOrScrpr's Avatar
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    Just curious, but do any of you who have reported seeing lots of cans dumped along the roadsides have aluminum container deposits in your state? We have deposits on our cans in Oregon and I rarely see any significant amounts of cans, plastic bottles or glass bottles that contained soda, beer or water. I do see juice and energy drink cans from time-to-time, though.

    I think deposits on cans is a good program to have and I am surprised more states haven't adopted similar programs.
    Last edited by SoOrScrpr; 01-15-2014 at 04:30 PM.

  28. #19
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Greybeard View Post
    Wow I thought I was the only doing that... I quit collecting at 450 but I never found any full cans ( there was a couple Coors but I poured them out).
    I have been given two six packs of Billy Beer, a case of Mash beer, and a case of Sturgis Bike Rally cans, all full. The Sturgis cans were like pouring oil out of them. We joke that the Sturgis Beer can be drank or poured into a Harley to replace the oil. Never found full cans on the side of the road. Did find a full fifth of whiskey in a scrap vehicle once.

  29. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryanw View Post
    A couple months ago, someone parked in front of my office and tossed her fast food bag and drink into the rocks in the planter area. She then went a few doors down to a warehouse sale. I went and grabbed the trash and threw it back into her car through an open window. I was standing outside still when she came back. She left the trash in her car.
    I can't stand a littering pig. They've no respect for the environment, or themselves.
    Back in the day I was driving south on I94 into Chicago, and some passenger through out what I thought amounted to a full cup of coffee, cup and all and hit me full blast on the windshield. Pissed my the hell off. 7am and grumpy too. I tailgated them, as one of them used their cell phone. till they freaked out and got off the next exit.
    I of course am much older and would recommend a less dangerous course of action nowadays. But I still can't stand that.

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