We made a GREAT contact last weekend through a post in Craigslist's "Free" section! A guy was giving away a small collection of random electronics, nothing too exciting some old pagers, camcorder, a scanner but we went and got it. We met the guy in the parking lot of his job which turned out to be one of the many local tech businesses. As we do with basically everyone, we told him to call us if he ever had anything else to get rid of. And the very next day he called us up to give us two big boxes of stuff!
We got 15 motherboards, 10 of them have nice heatsinks on them
9 fans with heatsinks
TONS of cords and cables
Some neat components (wireless mouse, keyboard, circuit checkers)
Nice Hayes SmartModem 2400

*random* a 4 ton hydraulic jack??
*random* brand new at home CPR training program. It has a dummy and everything!
So then yesterday I checked out some free yard sale leftovers and got this stuff:
4 stock Chrysler speakers
The body of a 1/10 scale RC monster truck with lots of cool parts including 2 big electric motors!
cordless phone handset
probably 8-10 remote controls, many of them still had batteries inside
2 old car radios, one is beat up and rusty but it's heavy so will pad my shred pile, the other appears useable
2 ECM car computers
All in all some pretty neat stuff
Associate Executive Director of Acquisition