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I almost cried

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    MattInTheHat started this thread.
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    I almost cried

    Every once in a while, I send email to people on cragslist that do computer repair offering to buy their scrap. The other day, I got this as a reply and I wanted to cry.

    My used parts inventory is very limited at this time. Most of my PC fixes are software related however if I require parts for a service call I usually order them new unless they are older components and then I suggest the client to upgrade completely and they usually keep their old systems. I wish you sent me this email 6 months ago when the company I worked for went out of business. They were a computer integrations company and ended up throwing out three 20 yard dumpsters full to top of old pc parts. I'm talking everything from laptops to old cisco servers stacked with blades and all. Most of the parts went to a recycling center and they were all given away. If I were aware then what you just told me I could have gotten you more pc parts than you would know what to do with. Over 1000 motherboards from old desktops, 1000 pieces of ram, pci cards, old vid cards, crt monitors etc etc... If I do know of any more salvage getting discarded you will be the first one I notify. I know the old building that we used to operate out of is still being rented due to the fact there is still much inventory left there. I will inquire on that and get back to you if they are deciding to get rid of any more hardware. I know there is well over 300-400 wireless AP's still sitting there and a couple hundred 10 base T and 100 meg switches they were going to use for trade ins but now that the business is out I don't have any clue what they are planning on doing with them. Would that be something you are interested in?

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  3. #2
    SnowBeast's Avatar
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    Some things are just not meant to be, keep your head up and looking straight forward. Sounds like you still have get a great lead out of it all.

  4. #3
    MattInTheHat started this thread.
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    Yeah, I'm hoping I can talk him into taking away his customers' old computer equipment for free and selling it to me.

  5. #4
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    I would have too but I got to be on the other side of this earlier this spring when a company refused to take this ladies computers for free because they did not want the monitors unless they charged her a discounted rate of $2 each so she call me and it was he husband who died who not only have a 14ft high pile about 25ft wide and about 10ft deep of computers going all the way back to the early 60's but a building full of everything under the sun and in it lol there were about 2500 pieces in all that took me about a week to haul and 2 months to sort and process selling just the last of the resale items this past week which all total from resale to broken down hard drives is now topped $130,000 not only my biggest score hopefully not ever so for you I am hoping that this one is just the begging of what your going to get coming in as your name gets out there to people and when this comes along again and it will indeed you cash in and take a vacation as I am to Greece in jan

  6. #5
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    Great deal for you Travis!!

    Matt, I could cry for you too, but Travis is right. Keep putting your name out there and you'll hit on the front side of the guys getting rid of stuff soon. Mine's just starting to come in with a few businesses calling me last week. I've found that strangely, I'm getting more calls to pick up stuff for free than trying to sell to me.

  7. #6
    Ironhunter's Avatar
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    Keep looking ahead my friend, the past is gone like yesterdays paycheck.
    Urban Mining: When people give you free money.

  8. #7
    spider03's Avatar
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    I don't know why he even told you that. What's gone is gone. This just means that you have to contact more people/companies soon so that you don't miss out again (hopefully). Good luck.

  9. #8
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    A bird in hand is much better than two in the bush....may take some heat for saying

  10. #9
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Hopefully you told him that you would certainly be interested in helping them clean out all that pesky inventory in their costly space...

  11. #10
    MattInTheHat started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by ITBoneyard View Post
    Hopefully you told him that you would certainly be interested in helping them clean out all that pesky inventory in their costly space...
    I told him i am interested, but i'm not sure if he even knows who to contact about it.

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