As Cory said an's really what you make of it. I do it full time, I pay for some stuff, other stuff I get for free. If your on campus, don't sell your fellow students short, or assume anything doing that your already setting up for failure. It doesn't hurt to hand out flyers, cards, etc. Tell people what you do, an the benefits of what you do. I never thought businesses would just hand me free stuff or people, but yet..I'm constantly and pleasantly surprised that they do.
Find a niche, an make it yours. Yes, lots of folk scrap metal, an do I focus on
ewaste. An not just computers. Focus on just computers an you may face a tough uphill battle. Find a niche within computers, or focus on other electronics. Thing my clients/customers love about I'm not really picky. If it's got a cord/or had's welcome in my eyes.
It's not a easy business to take full time, it's constantly looking for a source, or developing an maintaining current ones. It takes hard work, long hours( breaking down, taking photos for resales, making ads, etc), an to keep going when things seem hard. You will bleed, sweat, cry, curse, an then some!
At the end of the day'll make some money, an have the benefit of helping this dirtball we call home.
So can do it. It won't be easy, nor will it come quick. With the proper time spent learning about the industry, an the ability to talk to people, you can do quite well. Your here, so your about to learn a whole heck of a lot, you may not see results right away but if you continue to follow this forum, ask questions, read the archives, an listen to the tips an advice..not just hear, but will do well, whether full time or part time.
If you truly want to do this full time, take the time now to learn everything you can, an apply at it as you go. An perhaps in the future you'll be telling us how you graduated an are doing this full time. An passing on this same advice to future folks getting into this game.
I wish ya much luck, an keep us informed on how your doing. I for one enjoy following our members an how they grow. Specially the younger folks. Good to see them working outside the box. An we have plenty here that are youngsters, an doing quite well. Kochy, Jord, Red, an several others I can't remember! ( sorry guys, I'm getting old!) Some even still in High school.
So yes, it can be done. Hustle, hard work, good customer skills, a bit of thick skin an knowing it's all on you will shape your results.
Sirscrapalot - Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. - Winston Churchill