I've said it before, an I'll keep saying it. Customer service is king if done right. Why don't I deal with my local Goodwill? Cause their customer service sucks! As does their attitude...but whatever.
I give excellent customer service, so my clients/customers love me. It's why I can excel at the thrift store an yard sale game. Chat with folks, an you'll be surprised what comes out of that 15 minutes you think you wasted. I understand the time is money game, I really do..but I also understand people want to feel good when dealing with a company/service provider. A lot of places I don't give my money to are cause their customer service sucks. I've been doing Customer service in one form or another for **** near 20 years now(Gah I feel old)an it's a skill you really need if your selling anything.
When I did retail I used to joke with friends I could sell ice to a Eskimo. Why? Great customer service skills. Ask the right questions, listen and BAM! you got the sale. You can rush rush rush all day but don't let the customer get the idea the time their spending with you isn't important, they do an they won't be your customer for long. I've taken a good number of folks from my competition, cause the competition treats them like a dollar sign, I treat them the way I want to be treated. You can be on time, do what you say etc..but make that customer/client feel like their not important an someone like me will swoop in take over, an do all you did plus provide excellent customer service.
So next time you feel your wasting time chatting with a future customer or a current one..remember, your really not. Yea yea, time is money....but good customer service is to. No you don't have to stand around an chat for an hour, but taking 5 minutes to shoot the **** will earn you much benefit in my opinion. I Make a point to talk with my clients/customers. I ask how the family is, how's business, etc etc. I say hello to the staff(if they have it). My thrift store actually told me one of the reasons they decided to work with me is cause every time I come in I say hello an how ya doing to everyone that works there that I see, not just the boss. I give everyone a smile.
Remember that golden rule...Treat others as you want to be treated. It works as well in your work life as it does in the personal one. I'll always use the company that treats me right, vs the one who treats me as a $.
As always...YMMV.
Sirscrapalot - I believe in the golden rule, he who has the gold rules! - Mr. T