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Questions ?

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  1. #1
    Copper Head started this thread.
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    Questions ?

    You know some times, as others I get carried away with Ideas often as what I see others do on the net . Take for instance people who hoard nickels
    The feeling is, for face value you getting 75% copper 25% nickel that can parlay into doubling your money in time . Potentially true even if you don't melt illegally they might sell at 4 bucks a roll --- BUT WHEN ???
    I don't think for a long time now that I see clearer . REALLY
    So would I be better off cashing in my nickels for silver I have $200 bucks in nickels not a big deal, but since I see I do find CU free
    why bother with nickels any way .
    CORRECTION : though Canadian coins at face can be worth the quest as they are pure nickel in the correct years.

    Next question

    Computer Power Supply : WHY AM I SAVING THEM ?? !! If I just sell them as copper bearing is that not fine already
    I have some from servers and possibly select computers , a good Ebay item ? new they can be costly
    But mine are all used .

    Unfortunately : the theft of so much of my saved items is making me rethink the best way to hoard metals
    Cu is best hoarded as Bus Bars . Not big bulky buckets of wire for the taking if you let your guard down
    compact high value .is the way to go .
    Motor's - short - AL - wile a great bank stash is tempting the drug thieves who are nuts.
    Last edited by Copper Head; 12-11-2013 at 06:06 AM.

  2. #2
    ryanw's Avatar
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    I wouldn't hoard nickels. If I were to hoard something, i would want to concentrate the value into something smaller. Silver sounds good. I have some stashed away. More people understand the value of silver vs. nickel. The more people that would want the metal you have saved, the more value it will have, and the easier to trade or sell.

    If you can get copper bearing for power supplies, sell them as that. Most of my power supplies go to the scrap yard. If you want, you can take the time plugging model numbers into ebay, and checking if any have sold (not "for sale", but sold).

  3. #3
    Ironhunter's Avatar
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    I just have a question that someone may be able to explain, If TSHTF (the poo flies) what is copper going to be used for, currently it is for wire,electronics, ect.. what good is it when there is no power, or if we go back to bartering for goods what is someone going to do with copper?

    The power supplies go with the towers to shred in my little operation
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  4. #4
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    How much space can you spare? Nickels provide protection from both inflation and deflation. The high price of nickels a while ago was a function of both copper and nickel prices. You can find current melt value of nickels at:
    Current Melt Value Of Coins - How Much Is Your Coin Worth?
    and look for historical price of nickel at:
    Kitco - Spot Nickel Historical Charts and Graphs - Nickel charts - Industrial metals

    With your question on silver vs. nickels - I usually tend to try to work toward condensed stores of value, but am holding off my next purchase of silver or gold for a while, since I am reasonably satisfied with my own personal holdings. Given the fact that gold and silver values are highly correlated, an analyst I have great respect for is looking for a gold low in the $800s. I would hate to see that, but not overly surprised since that level of resistance needs to be tested before it can be considered valid support. Current Fed policy seems to be to suppress commodities prices to counteract inflation resulting from their QE policies. How long can they keep a lid on it? Your guess is as good as mine.

  5. #5
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Copper - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Scroll down to about mid way Iron an you'll see it's been used in many ways since before the bronze age.

    Interesting read at lest to me. heh.

    Sirscrapalot - I know I am getting better at golf because I am hitting fewer spectators. - Gerald R. Ford

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  7. #6
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    Power supplies:
    My general rule of thumb - break down big piles of low value into smaller piles of higher value. Sell off piles with low value/high space requirements and retain piles of higher value/low space requirements. I break down stuff others don't believe is worth their time. If I'm making $6/hour, that beats $0/hour in my book.

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    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    I wish my yard would take'm as cb whole, sadly I'm forced to break them down as I can't bring myself to toss all those goodies into the shred pile.

    I used to use one of those popcorn tins you see for sale for like 5 bucks, when it was full I'd take it in. Now I just use one of my smaller totes, fill it up, pluck out what can be stripped easily, an then take the rest in an cash out. I know silly, but I like extra money, an it gives me something to do when slow, bored, or just don't feel like doing much.

    Sirscrapalot - Inspiration arrives as a packet of material to be delivered. - John Updike

  10. #8
    Abshere's Avatar
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    My yard takes power supplies at .05/LB. Its worth it IMO to tear them down and get .20/lb for the board, 1.10/LB #2 INS, and then .07/LB for the case. Plus you have the AL heat sinks that are usually the better grade AL which I can get .60/LB for.

  11. #9
    Copper Head started this thread.
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    You all have great answers . Silver verses - Nickels , the composition of nickels is still real ,what is ok about it,
    is it's money , if lots of your cash was in the form of rolled coins thats ok also , even dimes quarters 1/2 s Ikes are copper and copper nickel , Any coinage with copper is better then paper
    I heard bullets can be made from copper . If your living or dieing had to do with utilizing coins as raw material , it's on,
    If TSHTF Metals will still be needed But If TSHTF much of what you save for that theoretical day could get looted
    MAYBE now TS is HTF . Plenty of metal thieves out and about . There is a desperation in the air.

    gold and silver values seem correlated with a delay . Gold seems king . I can tell you this, silver gets sold as fast as it comes in
    by me, so even if silver hit $9 less might be around . Also sellers increase premiums .

    You know this is going on
    "We are pleased to continue to be the Bitcoin community’s best bullion dealer by offering to trade your Precious Metals e.g., gold, silver, platinum, palladium, and rhodium for Bitcoin."

    Time for some cloud hashing
    Last edited by Copper Head; 12-11-2013 at 12:10 PM.

  12. #10
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ironhunter View Post
    I just have a question that someone may be able to explain, If TSHTF (the poo flies) what is copper going to be used for, currently it is for wire,electronics, ect.. what good is it when there is no power, or if we go back to bartering for goods what is someone going to do with copper?

    The power supplies go with the towers to shred in my little operation

    Most yards will buy them as motors- .15 to .30 lb
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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