id fine with not having a rear window guard except for the fact i occasionally have dumbass buddies help load
uggh even worse is when they help unload.
1. they always end up throwing aluminum, cords and other good stuff into the pile
2. they always THROW it into the pile
I got a piece of plywood i sometimes prop-up behind my window -id be cool if i got something i could see through
i got some sweet side walls from pick n pull
I scratched the top of my cab so much that i stopped caring and can now rest stuff on it
I switched to commuter shocks about a month before i got into scrapping
-and the guy who got me into scrapping shot those shocks out within a week >
still in decent condition though.
I wanna get a towhitch reciever installed and a 1/2ton trailer
I also wanna install a tiny unobtrustive lock/stand to prop my bike(s) upright in the bed when not hauling
also got a pretty sweet pole rack